Another near death experience

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Description: mainly just a filler chapter, skip if you would prefer.

Lucy POV
938 Words

"Lucy! Lockwood! You're alive!" Holly ambushed me in a hug, then pulled away and threw a red flare across the room.
"Yeah! just about! What's going on???" Holly's eyes were crazy, the makeup from earlier was smeared around her face, mascara smudged under her eyes. Her hair was wild and her smile was big. Her tights were ripped and right leg was cut.
"Oh!" She laughed hysterically, "Yeah.. well we saw you and Lockwood walk through the portal! Then the scientists and Rotwell came back.. and well.. now we're here! And you're here too!!!" She grinned and hugged me again.

"Guy's duck!" George screamed, jumping on the crates in front of us and hauling something in the air. It made a tremendous bang, scientists ran around like madmen, white lab coats aflame. George grinned, makeup smeared on his face too. His glasses reflected the fires burning around us. He turned towards us and jumped off the crate.

"Hey Lucy! What's up?"
"Uh.. nothing much.. I like the look." I pointed to his chest where a strap filled to brim of explosives lay diagonal across him.
"Thanks! Yeah, i got kinda mad.. after seeing you and Lockwood basically die. So.. Now i have these babies." He patted the explosives, pulled one off, and threw it at a man in black across the room. It hit the ceiling instead and fell in front of a scientist. I looked around, Lockwood was talking to Kipps who had a massive ball of glowing green jelly water in it.

What the hell was going on?

Someone laughed across the room. The sound of a cane tapping on the floor rang out through the room.
"Well done! So this is the infamous Lockwood and Co!" He mused, "In their classic fashion, burning perfect buildings to the ground." Steve Rotwell walked in to frame. Lockwood straightened up and strode to my side. Rotwell smiled, his lips were too long, they curled up into an evil grin.
"Anthony.. I thought we had a conversation, i believe we had an agreement.." His gloved hands gripped the top of his cane, I glanced at Lockwood who hands were travelling towards his belt.
"Yes. Indeed we did sir, but we didn't discuss what was going on in here. And people who lie to me, well.. things we 'agree' on slip my mind." He matched Rotwell's smile.

"Now how about we settle this, preferably away from my teammates?" A scientist took that opportunity to throw a salt-bomb, that got shot down from Kipp's gun, as he threw that glass ball back across the room.
"Oh I'm sure they'll hold up." Rotwell smiled at me Holly, Quill and George. Rotwell made a move to Lockwood, who made a blur of movement. The sound of steel on steel.
"Very good instinct you have, Anthony."
"Stop calling me that." Lockwood growled. He moved his foot back, kept his arm firm against Rotwells sword. Back and forth back and forth they went. Defend, attack. Lockwood stepped back, and sidestepped, each time his sword met Rotwell's. Holly took my arm and lead me back to the crates to help Kipps and George against the rest. But something told me Rotwell wasn't giving Lockwood his full power.

After a moment of throwing bombs and watching Kipps jump on the crate and shoot out a line of salt pellets, i looked up at the platforms that lined the ceiling. There they were, Lockwoods boots tapping on the metal grates, Rotwell making jabs. And just like i suspected, Lockwood was sweating, Rotwell seemed to be faster. That malicious grin was back. Lockwood backed up, he made a mistake, his finger had twitched and slipped on the holder. That tiny moment of hesitation gave Rotwell the perfect time to strike. He kicked Lockwood in the side of the leg, he wasn't expecting it and slanted to the side in pain, Rotwell slashed at him and pushed him to a platform that was further out.

A platform right above the portal.

"Lockwood!" I screamed. He didn't look at me. He was trying to fight back, his movements were jagged and in defensive.
"Kipps! Do you still have one of those balls?"
Quill, who was re-loading his gun, shook his head.
I had approximately fifteen seconds before Lockwood couldn't hold out any longer, and he would fall into the portal. And be gone forever. I wiped a tear and ran over to George, who was belting out some god awful insults to the scientists still alive.
"George!" I grasped his arm and pulled him towards me. "Do you have any flares?"
"Yeah! But i'm not using her till the end! Want it all to go out in a nice bang." He smiled and laughed.

"Screw the end! Lockwood's about to die! Hand it over."
"Be careful with her." He frowned and handed me a double sized flare. Yellow words wrapped around the canister, 'prototype, please do not use in confined spaces, warning keep out of reach of children.'
Well, I looked around, screw the label. I threw the flare. It sailed across the room to the platform Lockwood was by. It hit the railing. I felt my heart sink. Then suddenly, the canister exploded. Hot air carried out. Lockwood jumped to the side, Rotwell was stuck there. A yell echoed through the room. Crates exploded, wood was alight. Fire rained down.

"Wow." George whistled. "Nice."
"Lockwood! Are you okay?" I ran across the room to the metal stairs that lead to the platform.
"I'm okay!" He coughed, "We need to get out of here, the building is gonna collapse!"

 "I'm okay!" He coughed, "We need to get out of here, the building is gonna collapse!"

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