Comfort Biscuits

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A/N: if you have read the books you know what part is coming up in the next chapter..

Lucy POV
855 words

🎵i know i stand in line until you think you have the time
to spend an evening with me
and if we go someplace to dance
i know there's a chance you won't be leaving with me🎵

-something stupid by Frank Sinartra and Nancy Sinartra

When all the hot cocoa was drank, the crisp packets no where in sight, squares of chocolate eaten, we all moved to get ready for what was to come. The break in. After Rotwell's visit the other day, a spark in Lockwood was set. He clearly didn't like Rotwell telling him what to do, where to stick his nose, and that we should move back to London. He was determined to find out what this institute was. I stepped outside for a moment, staring out at the rolling hills, the few houses with their living room lights on. I was going to miss it when we went back to London. Another figure joined my side in the darkness and stillness of the night. And by slim appearance i could guess who it was. Lockwood. I continued to stare ahead, my arms leaned on the old brick wall that lined the front garden.

My heart hurt with his presence next to me. I was so confused. What was going on??? Anger burned inside me. He was being so annoying! He comes to my apartment, when i had moved away to keep him, George and Holly safe! asked for my help! Gave me those stupid eyes, the eyes you can't say no to. That smile. Ugh! I hated him! Making me dress his wounds outside Guppy's house, and in my room at Portland Row. Being so close to me. He held my hand at the graveyard just a few hours ago now. But he didn't have the guts to talked to me.

"You okay, Luce? You're glaring at that lamppost."
"I was not!" I snapped, adverting my gaze to the side to now glare at.. the trees.
"Well now you're glaring at the trees." Lockwood moved into view, light from the windows casting on his back. "What's wrong?" Suddenly, the anger turned to embarrassment, i flushed with his gaze on me.

"George ate all the chocolate.." I murmured.
"...That's what you're upset about..?" I nodded. He smiled and laughed. "Come with me." He walked back into the inn, i followed hesitantly. Did he believe me? I walked passed the kitchen where iron chains were laid out on the tables. I got a glimpse of Holly and George stood in the kitchen. Holly was yelling about something disgusting George had just done. I smiled, walking up the stairs to the floor above.
I saw the bathroom light on, as we walked passed Kipps was in there, shaving. He gave an absentminded wave and kept his eyes on his reflection. We walked along the landing to Lockwoods room.

His room was bland, the peeling pale pink wallpaper, the few paintings of stone-faced men and women. And of sheep and grass. The carpet was matted. You could tell the bed further away was George's, a t-shirt lay on it, two big books, a reading light plastered on the headboard. Some gadget on the side table. Lockwoods bed was made, nothing lay on it or on the side table other than a gossip magazine. He went to his bag that sat on the floor by the foot of his bed.
"Sit down, this should make you feel better." I could hear the smile on his lips. Sitting down on the bed actually felt better than i thought it would be. It was quite comfortable. He came back and sat by my side, showing me a box. He pulled out the plastic around it and lay it on his knees.

"Biscuits?" I laughed. That was how he would comfort me?? With biscuits??
"Yup! Keep your voice down though, i don't want George to hear you. You know what he's like."
He handed me a biscuit, i bit into it. Even though i was mad at him, and shocked at his detachment, it was a good biscuit.
"Feel better?" I nodded, taking out another one and eating it. Lockwood slowly put the bag back into its cardboard sleeve, and slipped it in his bag.

"Lockwood..? I'm worried. What if it goes bad? What if we get caught? What if Rotwell is there??" Lockwood took my shoulder. It hurt to stay together, keeping myself from shattering under his touch. Why was he torturing me??
"It'll be alright, we have dark clothes and Holly said she'll give us dark makeup so we blend in. They won't catch us. It will be a quick in and out. We look around whatever room we find, grab the skull, and go. Okay?"
"..Okay.." He let go of my shoulder and stood up.
"Right. I should probably go down and find everyone, and give a cheesy motivational speech, huh?" He grinned, walking towards the door.

"Lockwood, wait. How do you do this? Keep going? Keep giving motivational speeches? I don't get it."
He smiled at me, but there was something in it, like always. I looked into his eyes this time, they were filled with sadness. The bags under them sagged with lack of sleep.
"Just what a leader does, Luce. Now come on, no time to waste." He turned the handle and disappeared down the hall.

" He turned the handle and disappeared down the hall

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