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Writers note:
Hey! hope ur all enjoying so far don't worry this isn't going to be a complete copy of the books i know doing the Guppy house scene will probably be a drag to read again (if u have read the books if not read them they're amazing!) but i did change quite a lot of it

any mistakes i have made or if u want to add any prompts feel free to comment! <3

Lucy POV
977 words

After the quite frankly disgusting briefing of the Ealing Cannibal Case that George gave us, we had arrived at the murderous man's house. Once inside we set up our chains, candles, figured out where the most activity would be, the kitchen and/or the basement. Put two chains down there, Kipps, who had surprisingly been assigned to watch over us on this case, was sat in an iron circle reading magazines. He had moped all the time we were there, as he had lost his Talent with age. He could not sense all the chills Holly felt, he couldn't hear the footsteps and creaks of floorboard like me or George, he could not see death-glows like Lockwood.

I tried to concentrate, but there were too many noises, Kipps rustling his magazine, Holly stepping down into the basement, Lockwood moving around upstairs. But there was also something else, an underlying sound, out of time with everything else.
"You hear that?" I asked Kipps, he shook his head.
"I see you're back again." He flicked his blue eyes up at me, "Couldn't keep away." They went back down to focus on his paper, he shuffled against the bag of salt he was leaning on. I glared down at him.

"I'm not back. I'm just helping Lockwood for the day."
"And the difference is..?" Again he did not look up from that stupid paper.
I was about to explain but a shadow spoke from the darkness. "She's getting paid more." George said cooly, stepping into the lantern light in the hallway, "If you've finished your survey, Lucy, Lockwood wants us to meet in the living room."
"Okay, thanks." He nodded robotically, and disappeared.

"Yes, I'm freelance now," I went on, "Thing is, Kipps, I prefer the freedom it gives me - working wherever i want with whatever agency i want. It's a better life style. Nobler, simpler. You should give it a try." I gave him a very noble, simple smile. Before cringing at the last part. A muscle in his face tensed.

"Well i can't can i?" My shoulder's tensed as i braced the icy glare, "Is that really what it is?" He asked, looking up at me for a moment, without the icy glare.
"I thought you got mad and left because Holly Munro showed up, and got too close to your mysterious boyfriend. But still, what do i know? Think this chains secure enough? Do we need an extra one?"

My cheeks grew red and I spluttered out some strangled response. I wish I had hit him on his stupid ginger head. But instead I froze.
"Are you talking about.. Lockwood? My boyfriend? What..?" Suddenly the man of the hour showed up in the hallway.
"Luce! Kipps! Meeting in the living room come on. Are you alright Luce? Look a little flushed." I gave him an awkward thumbs up to which he tilted his head, shrugged, smiled and walked back to the living room.

Kipps shook his head and muttered, "Love birds."

Dusk turned to darkness and we lit the candles, our torches safely stowed in our pockets on our belts. We ate sandwiches, drank tea, and started our routine. The first quarter of the night, Lockwood would take the basement, George the ground floor, Kipps the second, sat nicely in a chain on the landing, and Holly would move around the house periodically. I would keep moving too, following any sound that would occur.

I began in the basement, a cold and bland place, an uneven square of concrete floor and exposed brick walls. Pipes jutting out in corners, and dark marks spotting the ceiling. You could see where the investigators excavated sections of the floor, thirty years ago. Lockwood was the first to be stationed down here. He walked around, coat-tail swinging. Searching up and down with his flashlight. It felt awkward, being there with him again. He was so far away in the room, but so close. I didn't know what to say to him, how to speak to him. We hadn't even talked about what happened before i left.

Which i so desperately needed to talk to him about.

"George has been telling gross facts up there." I started.
"Oh for gods sake! he will be doing that all night!" Lockwood cried from the far right wall. I could see him just passed the banister, his long coat trailing passed his knees, his lean frame.
"'hey guys did you know he put the eyeballs in the flower pot'" He mocked George. I snorted.
"Yieck!!" I covered my eyes and shuddered, i heard Lockwood laugh.

oh how i missed that sound. So warm, just like his smile, it made my whole body heat up from head to toe.

"You know i haven't missed his crazy facts at all." I smiled, and wrote down a temperature reading on my note pad.
"Yeah.." He moved across the room and stood closer to me, he was squinting slightly, which meant he was using his Talent.
"See anything?" I asked, standing by his side.

He rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, for a moment i thought it fizzled out. But now its just very bright." He rummaged in his jacket pocket and produced his sunglasses, put them on.

I stared at him for a moment, trying to save the moment as much as i could, I missed being so close to him.
"Gross." The skull stirred, it hadn't spoken much since our argued in my apartment. "Lover Boy is back, wake me when he's finally died."

I announced i was going to check on the others and Lockwood grinned, gave me a thumbs up. I grinned and gave one back, made my way upstairs the image of him in his sunglasses and his tie, and his short dark hair that swooped to the side, still fresh in my mind.

 I grinned and gave one back, made my way upstairs the image of him in his sunglasses and his tie, and his short dark hair that swooped to the side, still fresh in my mind

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