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Lucy POV
1817 Words

I didn't really have much of a plan, when I walked into Lockwood's room. I stood in the entrance for a moment, thinking. I stared at the bed, where he had let me sleep when I was scared, where we had finally grown closer and more comfortable with each other.
"So, you gonna go in orrr..?" The skull said, "I'm getting pretty bored here."
"Alright, alright." I stepped into his room and closed the door behind me.

There were a few books on his desk, nothing interesting, just what he had been reading. I looked around, his room seemed it's usual self. Bland paintings hung on the walls.

I went to his chest of drawers, and opened one. There was a jumper, the one he wears when it's winter. I picked it up, putting the skull down on the floor, and cradled the jumper in my arms. It was knitted, dark blue with a white and green stripe running along the chest and arms. I brought it up to my nose and breathed in. It smelt like him, but it also smelt like last christmas. I had bought him that skull patterned tie, he had bought me a new mug, I had pointed it out in the shop one day.

He also bought me a sketchpad, one of the more expensive ones I liked. I remembered him acting as if the mug was the only gift he bought me.
"Oh wait! I think there's one more.. mh I wonder who got this?" He picked up the wrapped sketchbook from under the tree and inspected it.
"If you can't read the handwriting it's probably George's." I said, George just sat there with a grin on his face.
"Oh hurry on with it Lockwood!" George huffed.

I remembered hugging him, laughing about how he remembered I pointed out how expensive the sketchbook was and that I'd never be able to pay for it.

I sighed, trying to hold onto the memory.
"If you want my opinion." The skull spoke up, "You need to move on. Lockwood is a virus, and you need to get out before he ruins you, and us." It gave a toothy grin. I stood up, still holding onto the jumper. It was summer now, he wouldn't need this. I picked up the skull and headed for the door. "Is that what your plan was? A jumper?" It spoke with distaste but there was an edge to it.

"Why do you care?" I walked out his room and closed the door. The green glow lessened, the apparition faded. It stayed silent till I was back in my room, staring at the ceiling, Lockwoods jumper laying crumpled on my chest.
"Lucy, you're in danger." I ignored him for a moment, then the green glow flared. "Serious trouble."
"What does that even mean??" I glared at him.

He looked, almost worried. If he had eyebrows they would be knitted with concern.
"Skull, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about."

A knocking came to my door.
"Just a second!" Quickly I stuffed the jumper under my pillow and lay back against it so it was covered. "Come in." It was Lockwood.
"Hey." He smiled, his hand on the door handle.
"Hi." I smiled back.
"We have a client, so if you wanna come down?"
"Oh yeah sure. Be there in a second." He flicked his eyes from me to the jar.
"He's not giving you any trouble right?"
"Not at all." I smiled, "Well not any more than the usual stuff." He laughed.
"Right I'll see you down there.." And disappeared back downstairs.

Maybe Holly was right, maybe he was starting to remember things after all. I hugged onto the jumper one last time. Then went downstairs to see the client.

I walked into the lounge, where there was a plate of chocolate chip cookies, mugs of tea and our new client. I had down on one of the chairs.
"Ah, here she is. Our best listener." Lockwood smiled and gestured to me. I shyly smiled at the man and women.
"Lovely to meet you."
"You too. Right, as I was saying Mr Lockwood."
The old man was dressed in a polo shirt, and black trousers, his hair wispy and a scratchy beard. The woman had her hand on her husbands knee, she wore a knitted jacket, a green shirt with some drawing on it of a cat and purple skirt.

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