A recurring thing (light smut)

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Description: It's Lucy's first night back at Portland Row. Lockwood comes to say goodnight and leaves Lucy frustrated

Smut warning

Lucy POV
1530 words

🎵Oh baby oh man
you're making me crazy
you're really driving me mad🎵

That's alright with me
it's really no fuss
as long as you're next to me
just the two of us🎵

-My kinda of woman by Mac DeMarco

I would never believe i would be back in my attic room at 35 Portland Row, so soon. It had only been four months, it felt like years longer. Our strange conversations in the kitchen were just as disorienting as i thought it would be. Seeing George and Lockwood talk like normal people. Talk about Holly. And everything Lockwood had said about pulp orange juice? So weird.

It didn't feel natural, instead i should have been sat there in my apartment in Tooting, eating takeout at 4Am and flipping tea bags across the room to land in the bin. It also didn't feel right, not having the skull with me. I almost missed that mouldy old skull. Almost. When he wasn't ordering me to kill my coworkers, or trying to trick me and cause my death, I was almost lonely without him. Almost.

Looking around my room gave me another weird feeling. Other than a few of George's laundry he had stored up there, it was just the same as it had been when i left four months before. The sky was still dark, but i could tell dawn would be breaking soon. Laying down in my old bed, I stayed listening to the rattling of the pipes as George and Lockwood were about to sleep as well.
I heard them on the landing, they were talking about something. I rolled over to try and concentrate.

"I know you're glad and all." George had murmured, "But please keep yourself under more control. You were fumbling in the kitchen with that whole 'I drain pulp through my teeth to pretend like I'm a whale.' Nonsense." George shut his door, cutting off whatever Lockwood was going to say.
I wondered what George was talking about 'keep yourself under more control' Lockwood hardly let's anything show it's bothering him. A knock came on my door.
"Come in!"

Lockwood popped his head round, walking up the stairs. "Hey, thought i would just check in before we all crash out." He smiled, but there was something in it. I thought about when i had mended his wounds outside Guppy's house. How close we stood on the front steps together, when he had looked down at me and at the ring he gave me. I coughed and sat up.
"Yeah, i'm good. Just tired now. I had a shower though so I feel better," I cringed at that, why did i tell him that? i didn't need to tell him that. "So uh, George seems normal." I tried to ignore all the mess on my floor, where i had dumped my clothes and a blue pair of panties and dark bra sat practically like a beacon for him to notice.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry he turned your room into a laundry dump. I did tell him to try and keep it clean." He looked down at the floor, his dark eyes hidden beneath his fringe. Well there it is, my funeral. I could imagine it then, Lockwood above my casket. 'The last interaction we had was when I saw her undergarments and then she just died.'
I wish I could just curl into a ball and die, but when he brought his gaze back to me I was sure he was blushing.

I wondered if Lockwood ever though about me? I had wondered this millions of times but I always shut it down immediately. But he is no longer my boss. As if reading my thoughts Lockwood shifted on his feet, the tail of his bathrobe swishing behind him.
"I uh, we all missed you, Lucy. And I'm sure Holly will be glad to hear you're staying again." He stared at me, then corrected himself, "Only if it's for just a few nights." He seemed, edgy. I had never really seen Lockwood nervous, apart from a few certain cases.

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