Tear stains

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Lucy POV
1190 Words

🎵I'm gonna pack my things and leave you behind
The feelings old and I know that I've made up my mind
I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul🎵

🎵Cause you were cruel and I'm a fool so please let me go
But I love you so (Please let me go)
I love you so (Please let me go)🎵

-I Love You So by The Walters

"He's just such an arsehole. I'm so sorry." I felt like a broken record as I repeated my apology for Lockwood's act in the kitchen, for the millionth time. We getting out of the taxi, I handed the driver my money and hopped out, following Mary to the boot for my bags.

"Really, Luce, it's fine." She sighed.

"I didn't know he was going to act like that. He never acts like that."

"Well it sounds like you were right." She mumbled, lifting my bag out the boot.

"What?" I asked, grabbing my other bag, watching the taxi drive off.

"He's impulsive! It's good you're getting away from him. Now come on. You gotta see the new house!" She grinned.

"Yeah.." We walked up the overgrown path to the house. It was wide, more like a cottage, not as tall as Portland Row. I needed to stop comparing everything to Portland Row. I plastered on a smile, and followed her into the house. It opened up into the lounge, the stairs to the left. To the right was the kitchen. And beyond the lounge was the washing machine and drying room and door to the back garden.

"Very homey." I smiled.

"I know right? And it's got a pull-out-sofa. The house smelled like pinecones, bricks and syrup. Weird for summer, I followed her upstairs.

"This is your bedroom." She opened the door. I opened my mouth ready to ask where's the attic room but I squashed the question on my tongue. The room had a small bed, a wide window that overlooked the roads outside, grey walls and a chest of drawers at the end of the bed.

"If you can't fit all your clothes in the drawer you can put them in the storage room. It's just down the hall," Mary smiled.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be fine." I was still staring at the room.

"Well, I'm just down the hall as well. Uh, want anything to eat?"

"I should start unpacking." I smiled and walked to the bed, putting down my bags.

"I'll leave you to it." She smiled and pulled the door shut. I unzipped my bags and took out my clothes. Folding them and putting them away in the drawers. I took out the photos in the pockets of my bags and stuck them up on the walls. I took out a few copies of True Hauntings and put them on top of the drawer. I lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, the mattress was slightly uncomfortable, but it just needed to be slept in. I rolled to my side and almost fell off the edge of the bed.

May as well try and sleep while I can, tomorrow I'll have to find some freelance job to do. I let my eyes flutter closed. I dreamt I was back in my attic room. I was young again, the first time I had ever met Lockwood and George, before Holly joined, before The Skull spoke to me, before the ambush. Lockwood was smiling at me. "Where have you been?" He asked, we were stood by the window overlooking our street, the pale sky lighting up the otherwise dark room.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I was looking out at the lights on in peoples windows.

"You left. Me and George waited up for you."

"Well, I was busy." I shrugged, Lockwood voice echoed in the room, but I still didn't look at him. All I could see out the corner of my eye was his dark hair.

"That's no excuse." He scoffed.

"Well you left me there in the first place."

"No I didn't." He sounded hurt.

"No? Well how come you're like this?"

"Like what?" His voice sounded further away, the room slowly tilting.

"Dead." My voice echoed all around me. I tore my eyes away from out the window as Lockwoods body begun to fall to the ground. The room shook violently, all around me ghosts stood, jagged rocks covered the walls. Far above me was the skeleton of a roof, the place was damp and dark. I was back in the underground prison at Aickmere's. Lockwood lay on the ground, his head was bleeding, dark blood stained his white shirt, a massive slash down the middle.

"I had died trying to save you. Where have you been? Me and George waited up for you." His cold and empty voice droned on and on. Filling the cavernous space. I sunk to my knees.

It's just a dream. And with that thought, everything shifted again. It was bright, sunlight streaming in through the windows. I was standing in the lounge, I smiled. "George? Lockwood?" I called out, only the ticking of the clock responded. "Lockwood?" I called out. A hand grasped my shoulder.

"He's not coming back." Said an unfamiliar girls voice, I turned around, a girl with long dark hair stood behind me. She had white eyes, and a pale face, her mouth hung open. One name came to mind, a flash of the memory of a old photo in my hands, an impatient little boy in the dark haired girls lap.

"J-Jessica?" I gasped. Before I fell back.

I jolted in my bed. Sweat lined, my forehead and dripped down my fingers. I was clenching the blanket in my hands so tight my knuckles were white. I was shaking all over.

What did any of that mean? Mary stood in the doorway. "Hey, Luce, dinner's r- My goodness are you alright?"

We sat in the kitchen, sipping tea, whilst I mindlessly played with my food.

"Goodness that sounds awful! Whatever could that mean?" Mary sighed, hand on her heart.

"That's what I wondered." I massaged my temples, shutting my eyes. I just wanted the image of dead Lockwood, AND dead Jessica to leave my mind.

"And you've only seen a picture of his sister when she was alive?" Mary asked, standing up and putting her plate in the sink.

"Yes. And she was younger in the photo as well."

"My, I have no idea what conjured that dream up,  but I hope whatever it was, it's gone now." She smiled. "Oh you didn't touch your dinner. Do you want me to put it in the fridge and re-heat it later?" She picked up my plate, my hands with clung around the cutlery.

"Thanks Mary, but you don't need to do that." I stood up, "I think I'm just gonna try and get some sleep."

"As long as you don't have any more nightmares." I smiled and walked upstairs.
"As long as I don't have any more nightmares.." I muttered to myself opening the door to my new room.

Slowly I laid back down and closed my eyes. Instead of dreaming of dead Lockwood and George, it was me and Lockwood laying in patches of sunlight on grass. A picnic basket next to us, with sandwiches and snacks Holly prepared for us.

I woke up with tear stains on my pillow.

This was gonna be a long few weeks.

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