Old fashioned way

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Lucy POV
896 Words

"Lockwood we need to get out of here!" I heard Holly scream through gritted teeth. Spider webs clung to her hair and clothes. Another glass smashed across the room.
"I swear if you don't give me a pay raise." George muttered, he was running with us, hitting his torch against his palm trying to get it working. The only person who had a working torch was Holly, the beam flickered and bobbed along the corridor walls, it illuminated the dust and shards of glass flying in the air.

"It's not my fault! You're the one supposed to do all the research!" Lockwood laughed, a big grin was stuck on his face, his breath came out ragged as we neared the stairs down the hallway. A big bump was growing on his forehead, and his hair was all over the place.

"Oh well I would have had more time to uncover what was really haunting this place, but instead you were too distracted and got the times wrong! I wonder what was more important than letting me do my work!" George glared behind himself to look at me, light from a flickering bulb we ran past, gleamed off his cracked glasses.
"Oh well it's not Lucy's fault either! George stop trying to point fingers." Another glass sailed over our heads and smashed at the wall further down.
"Christ both of you please shut up!" Holly yelled.

Finally we reached the stairs.
"You're expecting us to get down that?" George marvelled, as we stood, frozen, watching the wooden boards get ripped up from the stairs.
"George will you stop being in a mood please?" It was the first thing I had said in a while, but I was angry, I had the worst stitch in my chest, and George was constantly making jabs at me and Lockwood. It was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh I'm sorry did you say something, Lucy? You're the one who distracted Lockwood in the first place, which is why we're here now." He said matter-of-factly.
"Lockwood what are you doing?" Holly groaned.
"If we can't use the stairs, we'll just have to use the old fashioned way." He said, tearing off another board on the window.
"I don't think people in the 1800's left their house on a sunny afternoon by jumping out the window." Holly frowned.
"Well, worth a try." Lockwood smiled, stuck out a long slim leg and stepped up onto the windowsill. He braced himself, facing his shoulder to the window, and jumped.

"Ow, ow, ow." Lockwood murmured.
"Yeah well it's gonna hurt when you jump through a glass window. What were you expecting? Flower chain in your hair instead of glass?" George glared at him. George and Lockwood sat on a low brick wall by the entrance gate, Holly and I stood further away. She was taking notes, I was chewing gum as if it were the only thing stopping humanity from going extinct.
"Feeling any better, Lucy?" Holly tilted her head.
I shrugged. The Poltergeist had been very strong, luckily not as strong as the one at Aickmere's but it didn't stop the worry and memories seeping in.

The whole time all I could picture were flashes of the incident at Aickmere's. The hole ripping up in the middle of the floor, the underground prison with all the faceless ghosts surrounding me, mine and Holly's argument. The silverware flying around the room.

"Hey, it's okay now. DEPRAC are on their way, we'll go home and you can have a good cup of tea and a shower." She smiled, holding my hand.

"Guys! DEPRAC are here." George and Lockwood were walking over to us, as sirens came closer to us. One DEPRAC officer car and one DEPRAC van drove through the gates, with an a medical van coming up the rear. Their headlights blinded all of us, even with dawn breaking in the distance. Inspector Montague Barnes, who usually showed up to any case involving us, stepped out of his car.
"Thought I was having a rather surprising quiet night, and then you called."
"Evening Inspector." Lockwood beamed, "Yes well, at least theres no fire this time." Barnes didn't seem to find Lockwoods joke very funny, he seldom found Lockwood funny at all.

"Yes well you're injured this time so." He looked at all of us before squeezing the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Medics walked over to us, and stood by Barnes waiting for his word.
"Go sit in the medical van." He swatted his hand in the air as if trying to make us disappear.

When we finally got back home, cuts bandaged, and well hydrated, it was no surprise that George wanted to go straight to bed. But one thing echoed in the back of my mind, my plan. I glanced over at Lockwood who was hanging his tatty jacket up, I frowned. He still looked tense, his shirt was torn, his tie hung undone around his neck, black bags tugged under his dark eyes.

"Hey I'm gonna head up too." I gestured towards the stairs.
"Yeah, of course, Luce. Sleep well.. If you have a nightmare just tell me okay?" He smiled, holding my arm.
"Of course yeah, goodnight." I walked upstairs, but instead of going up to my bedroom. I opened Lockwoods door, and slipped inside.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to get a second one out before i fell asleep.

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