The Ambush

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TW: violence and mentions of blood

Lucy POV
1552 Words

We crouched down against the one of the shelves, peeking over the top. We stayed side by side, holding our breaths. As we heard three men walk into the room. I took a peek, I didn't see much because another book shelf blocked my view but, I caught sight of the brim of the man's bowler hat. He had a snake tattoo on the back of his neck, in between the snakes two teeth was an eyeball. Not very happy at all, I thought. He was the one that had a squeaky voice.

The walked around for a moment, I tried to ignore the beating of my heart against my chest, and paid attention to the thumps of their army boots on the floor.
"I'm telling you. There ain't no way they got it here. They were lovebirds, more interested in finding a quiet place than readin'. If you know what I mean." I blushed and became increasingly aware of Lockwood's hand brushing against my skirt. The one with the gruffer voice laughed.
"Sure do. My wife was like that too."
"Oh, how long you two been together?"
"She was murdered."

There was a cold silence in the room for a moment.
"Just joking with you! That's his wife." The gruff voice laughed again and patted the man in the bowler hat on the back.
I flicked my eyes to Lockwood. "What is happening?" I mouthed, he just put a finger to my lips.

"Well, like I said, they're not in here. Why don't we go out now?"
"Hold it. Did you hear that?" The man in the bowler hat put up his hand.
I felt my blood go cold, I stopped breathing. There was another silence that felt like a lifetime longer than the last one.
"Nah." The gruff voice said back.
"Alright let's get outta here." There was a shuffle of boots, as they walked out the door.

Me and Lockwood both breathed out in unison.
"Jesus." I shook my head.
"Who were those guys?" Lockwood tucked the book in his jacket pocket and stood up moving away from against the shelf. He held out his hand and helped me stand up.
"I don't know. I think I've seen them somewhere, but I can't remember."
"Well don't strain yourself. We're in the clear, let's go take this book to George." Lockwood gave me his reassuring Lockwood smile and interlocked hus fingers with mine. We walked to the door and scanned the keycard, then walked out and through the isles. There was no one at the desk, the sound of a hoover echoed through the hallway. Cleaning supplies sat on the front desk.

As we made out way out I saw some guy following us. He wore a black hat and zip up hoodie. Black jeans with multiple pockets on the legs.

"I know i know, my knees hurt too. I've noticed every time we crouch down, my knees click. Do you get that? I think it just comes with the job honestly but-"
"Lockwood shut up." I grabbed his arm. He stopped and looked at me, then saw the man following us.
"We need a diversion or something."
"God Quill was right we do sound like we're in a action movie." The man moved closer.
"Over here."  I took Lockwood's hand and walked him to a wall. I peered over at the man, but he had gone. We stood there breathing, our breath plumed out in the cold night sky.

After a moment we looked back at each other.
"We need to call up a taxi, come on." We walked out of the ally and away from the library. But for some reason i still felt someone following us. I looked behind me, but the streets were empty. The only people out right then were Agents.

"You okay?" Lockwood asked, looking behind us just like i had done.
"Yeah, just thought i saw something." We kept walking. I felt good. we got the book, we were going back home. And we had made out. I felt giddy and warm. That was till i saw them. Four dark shadows stepped forward in the road we were walking on. A glittering object in one of their hands. Something long in another ones hand. Each had a rough look.
"Lockwood. I think I remember where I saw those guys." I gripped his arm hard and he stopped walking.

"What?" He looked down at me confused.
"They were outside Fittes house earlier today, behind us.." His eyes turned dark, focused. He listened to the wind, concentration on his face. "Luce, run." The four figures drew closer. Two had long hair, one bald and one with short brown hair. The one with short brown hair must have been the leader as he yelled something and the rest of them advanced on us.

Lockwood reached into his jacket pocket and produced a Swiss army knife. It looked old, the front of it blotchy with rust. But when he flicked open the knife blade it was sharp and silver. I had seen that knife before.
"We've 'eard  you've been 'up to no good." The brown haired one sneered, a gold tooth shone at the back of his mouth. "And we've been told to put a stop to it." He grinned a nasty grin. The long haired boy sidestepped and grabbed me by the arm. I screamed. Lockwood moved fast, dropping down slightly and slashed the long haired guys legs. He shouted and dropped me. The bald one and a girl were on Lockwood but he thrusted up, elbowing the bald guy in the nose, and ripping part of the girls shirt.

Blood roared in my ears. I had my rapier though. I brought it out but got kicked in the stomach by the leader. I fell to my knees and he kicked the rapier away.
"Keep it a fair fight huh, little lady?" His grin was filled with nasty gold teeth and he picked me up. I thrashed around and kicked him in the chin. He dropped me and i scrambled over to Lockwood. Reached for his rapier from his belt and stood back to back with him. Like we had done so many times.

"Well, better than fighting boring ghosts huh Luce?" I heard the smile in his voice. His knuckles were bleeding. "Lockwood what happened to-" The girl and lunged at me, I cut at her with my rapier and hit her side.
"Don't worry about me." He grunted, his knife was gone, and he was punching the long haired boy.
He looked at me and flashed a smile. It made everything brighter, a little better. I turned back to the girl, a new wave of energy ran through me. I thrust against her with the blade and she dodged, i hit again, struck her in the side. I felt the cool wind on my back, Lockwood had moved away from my back. Instinctively I looked back for him. He was fighting with some bald guy, when the leader stepped behind him. I felt an arm cling around my neck, the girl and put me in a choke hold, holding me against her.

"Might wanna watch this bit." She hissed in my ear.
The leader raised a bat to Lockwoods head. I squirmed in the girls hold. "Lockwood!" I try to call out, but my voice was weak. I bit the girls arm.
"Anthony!" I screamed pulling away from the girl. Lockwood had just enough time to turn around and look at me, before the leader hit him over the head with a tremendous whack!

"Boring!!" The leader's voice rang through the dark night. Lockwood lay there on the ground, blood dripping from the side of his head, his hair damp from blood and rain.

As i was stunned, the girl gripped me by the neck, punching me till my face felt numb. She dropped me to the ground. My head rang out like a church bell. I felt the cold wet pavement under my neck.
"Any last words?" The girl sneered.
"Nah leave her. We were only ordered to kill the boy. Remember?" The bald one said. He put a hand on the girls shoulder. She hesitated, then nodded. Picked up my rapier that lay forgotten in a puddle, and observed it. Tilting it over in the light of a ghost lamp near-by.

"Could give this to the boss. Might get a few quid off it. Italian style it is. Expensive stuff." She mused, then they all walked off. Congratulating each other and slapping each other on the back. My vision went blurry, suddenly my ear popped. I touched my throbbing face and when i looked at my blurry hand, blood covered it.

I needed to get to Lockwood. He couldn't be dead. He promised me he would he okay. I crawled along the wet tarmac, to where Lockwood's limp body lay. The puddle under him had turned red from blood.
"Lockwood." I heard myself speak but my head throbbed when i said anything so i pulled him along the floor to the pavement. Out of the way of taxi's and DEPRAC vans. And i sat there, on the pavement, with Lockwood's unconscious body. Till the headlights of a Taxi approached.

 Till the headlights of a Taxi approached

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A girl, A boy, and a graveyardWhere stories live. Discover now