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Lockwood POV
1219 Words

🎵Not with a bang
But with a whimper
It wasn't hard
It was kind of simple🎵

🎵Three short steps for your bed to your door
Darling I can't look you in the eyes now and tell you I'm not sure
If I love you anymore🎵

-Anymore by Frank Turner

"That was completely irresponsible Lucy!" I yelled, I couldn't stop it any longer, I was angry, I was hurt, I was shamed but most of all confused. Confused on what any of it meant. Why did it have to be confusing? But I had trained my body well, any foreign feeling was battered down and taken to the cells in my brain, locked away for good. I pushed that away and leaned into the anger, nose flaring I glared at her.

"What I called the ambulance? I saved Holly's life!"
"Yeah after abusing mine! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you right now for your disgusting behaviour today! You caused Holly's ghost-lock, you lied to me. You used me, your boss!" She stared at me, and for a moment I thought she would slap me. But she blinked, a sudden tear falling from her eyelid.

My face softened, but I held firm, my hand resting on my belt loop. I stared at her expectantly. "Well? What do you have to say?"
She stared at me, her eyes stony and cold.
"I quit." She pushed passed me and up the stairs. I blinked, starting at the wooden floorboards for a moment, then turned back around and stared at the clear space of stairs. Her footsteps only echoes through the house and she walked up to her attic room.

"Well that was an eventful day." George murmured, tea mug in hand. "What did Lucy do?"
I looked at him, George's glasses were still slightly mucked up, a burn hole lay in the sleeve of his t-shirt.
"Oh nothing. Don't worry George." I smiled and patted his shoulder, making my way up to my room.
"Hey." He called from the hallway, I turned on the stair and looked back at him.
"You can tell me anything mate... You know that, yeah?" His face scrunched up slightly, and I couldn't tell if it was out of disgust for the affection in his words, or if it was confusion of my coldness to him.

I smiled, nonetheless. "Yes, I know George. Get some rest will you? And clean your glasses, they have soot on them."

I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me and lying back against the door. I breathes out. And suddenly the oxygen in my lungs were gone, and I was back in the Websters lounge. Lucy's lips on mine. I remembered the crease in my eyebrow, the slightly shake of my head as I tried to comprehend what was going on. I had never really had a kiss. Fleeting kisses of faces I can't remember at tournaments I remember through the news paper clippings on the walls, were my only experience with girls.

Until Lucy kissed me. The breath had been caught in my throat, her lips crashed against mine. I opened my eyes, not realising I had them closed, and I was in my room. The usual dullness of my room comforted me. I remembered what Flo had said once.

'I like what you've done with the place.' She smiled, leaning back in the chair, her blue hat tilting on her blonde hair.
'Oh, I haven't touched it.' I glanced around the lounge, the same books lined the shame shelves, the same cushions on the same sofas, the same curtains hugging the same walls. It was as if my parents had never left.
'I know.' She smiled.

It was true, I hadn't touched it. I looked around my room, the same paintings hung on the same walls just as they had done when this was my parents room. I smiled contently and opened my drawer, dressing into pyjamas.

I lay in bed, typically I'd lay and read, or write up something that had been bothering me about a case. But this time I stared up at the ceiling. Listening to the call of seagulls and pigeons, the rolling sound of the night cabs and the ghost-lamps electric hum outside my window.

But once again, Lucy crept in to my mind, invading my thoughts like a robber. I closed my eyes tight, trying to ward the thought of her off.
Was I too harsh? Was she being serious? I scoffed and opened my eyes.
"Oh be rational, Lockwood." I whispered to myself in the dark of my room, "She has no where else to go, who would she stay with and where? How would she earn money?" I smiled and leaned back under the covers. It was true, she had never left. She had always been here under my roof, she had nowhere else to go.

She'll sort herself out, but for now, I'm gonna have to cut her out of a few cases. just until she gets herself under control.

I shivered again thinking about our kiss in the lounge, and turned to my side, slowly drifting off to sleep. 

I dreamt of a rainy night. I felt the rain drip from my hair to my face. I was running, I had an umbrella in my hand but I wasn't using it. Did it not work? No, that wasn't it, I didn't deserve the umbrella, that was why I wasn't using it.

I ran up stone steps to a door, I knocked on the door. Nothing happened, I clenched my fist in anger, and knocked on the door again. I girl answered, she looked like Lucy, but she had a thicker accent. It was changed by London, like Lucy's was. She was angry with me, she was yelling. Then someone spoke, and everything got warmer, as if I were standing in front of a fire. And everything got brighter.

Then I blinked, and the sun blinked back. I was awake, a new day ready for me. I groaned, what was that dream about? But it was already fading. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes of their sleep. Sun filtered into the room, I stretched and for the first time, I wasn't the only other person awake, besides George.

I heard a voice, three voices. George, Lucy and another girl. She had a northern accent, like Lucy, except Lucy's had been watered down by living with me and George. Where had I heard her voice before? I stood up and threw a shirt on. Well if we have a client I may as well get dressed.

I smiled and got ready. Picking out my favourite pink socks, sliding my fathers ring on my finger, and walked downstairs. My hand trailing along the banister. I stood on the stairs before them. Lucy was dressed in her usual blue and white jumper, George dressed in a black t-shirt with a jacket and shorts. His glasses were clean and shining in the summer morning sun.

The girl had auburn hair, longer than Lucy's, it was tied back in a ponytail. She had dimples, and the same eyes as Lucy's but ever so slightly darker, less... well less Lucy. She was clearly older than Lucy, but not by much. She was the first to notice me stood there.

"Oh, hello, you must be Anthony Lockwood." She smiled.
"Indeed I am, and you are?" She opened her mouth to answer but Lucy stepped forward.
"Lockwood, this is my sister, Mary."


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