It's not over yet

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Lucy POV
738 Words

🎵Then afterwards we drop into a little quiet place
And have a drink or two
And then i go and spoil it all
by saying something stupid like:
'I love you' 🎵
-somethin' stupid by Frank Sinartra and Nancy Sinartra

When we went through it was bitterly cold, wind rushed all around us. Ghosts writhed in a cluster in the cloudy portal.
"Do you think if we get out now, we will be back in Albury Castle?" I asked Lockwood over the screaming of visitors.
"Should do.." His face was covered by his fringe, both of hair whipped around our faces, the hood had fallen back but it didn't matter, the cape was powerful enough to keep us alive.

"Hey, Luce," Lockwood started, we were still slowly moving along the chain, "i was thinking, you know i'm still confused if i should be paying you for all this or not. And if i am, i should be giving you a hell of a lot more than what you usually get... for these circumstances." He gestured his head around at the liminal space we were in.
"Lockwood I don't think that's what we should be worrying about right now!" My eyes widened.
"Yeah! So let's not worry about it." He stopped along the chain. I bumped into him slightly and stared up at his face. I pulled one cold hand away from the chain to brush his hair out of his eyes.
"Luce, do you get what i mean?" His grin was so wide i could see all his gleaming white teeth.

"Yes! Can we keep moving?"
"So, is that a yes?"
"Lockwood!" I groaned the wind had picked up again and a particularly gross Raw-Bones had showed its peeling, jawless, face.
"I need a professional answer, Lucy." Lockwood said. He spoke in that commanding tone he used when we were on cases. I felt my stomach drop and my heart flutter. He leaned his face close to mine. "Luce?" He purred.

"Yes! Lockwood, I want to. If you will let me come back to Portland Row. I want to work with Lockwood and Co again." He smiled, clearly proud of himself.
"Good." He moved to start going along the chain.
"Oh and," He stopped and looked at me. "no telling the others about... us.." I was trying to seem cooler, and attempted a smirk but i think my face was too red.

"There's an us, now?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Well I should hope so, after all that." I grabbed his black tie and pulled him closer to me. He gripped my waist under the cape. And for the second time that traumatic day, we kissed. The whirlwind of ghosts grew brighter. I smiled against his lips and gently bit at his bottom lip. I had been wanted to do that for a long time. His lips always looked so good, I often got distracted when he was talking. Wondering what it was like to kiss or bite on his lips. He made a surprised moan sound, and the pit in my stomach grew at the thought of what other noises he could make for me.

I pulled away instead. He frowned. I smiled, he was cute when he frowned, his face got all bunched up. "Oh Luce, I really wish we were someplace different right now."
"What would you do if we were back home in London?" I stared up at him with big curious eyes. Reached out under the Cape and held his tie again. He thought for a moment then smirked and grasped my wrist, pulling it off his tie. Then quickly turned away from me and started moving up the chain again.

"You'll have to wait and find out, won't you? Come on." I could hear the smugness in his voice, we kept moving till we saw the light of the portal above us. I felt my ears pop as we crossed through, suddenly all the time that we spent away from the real world caught up to us, both our knees bucked as we stepped onto the concrete floor of the room. We let go of the chain and collapsed onto the ground.
The ice on our capes, and hair, and eyebrows started to melt. My clothes got damp and my throat hurt.
But that wasn't it. As me and Lockwood lay there next to each other, our chests heaving, something sailed above our head. Orange light flashed along the walls, a loud noise came from across the room. I looked up and saw George running around with a massive gun from the weapons room in his hand.

What had happened..?


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