Choco Leibniz

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more locklyle! they're getting closer ayeee

Lucy POV
1013 words

We all stepped outside, Quill stayed in his circle reading his magazine.
George sat on a wall outside the house, eating chocolate very hurriedly. Holly had stopped hyperventilating and told us what she saw.
"It was cutlery, and a plate on the living room table."
George whistled, "Wow and I just saw a pile of human remains." He rolled his eyes and jabbed at thumb at Holly.

"The worst part was," Holly continued, ignoring George and patting down her curly hair, "There was this little white napkin. I think it was the detail that got me, so specific, and real. The whole thing only lasted for a second but it shocked me so bad." She laughed shakily. Lockwood patted her shoulder.

"It's alright Hol, here," He took a bit of chocolate out of George's hand and gave it to her, "have some, it will calm you down." George gave Lockwood a silent death-stare and walked off. I think Lockwood is the only person George would be mildly okay with stealing his food. But he still glared at him coldly and hugged his chocolate close to his heart.

The night air did us good, i could feel it filling my lungs, it felt refreshing. Holly stood a little away, hands running through her hair trying to calm down.
Lockwood sat on the front steps, a lamp illuminated his dark hair, flecks of light painted his body against the bricks of the house. I walked over and sat down by him.
"How you holding up?" He asked, stretched out his long legs in front of us.
"Eh, I'm alright. It's just, the noises. It's like i can hear him moving. I heard his ragged breath earlier."
"Mh. Here, don't tell George i gave you this. He's been hunting them down."

He produced a small, long box. Fancy lettering on the sides, his long fingers rummaged within the plastic and brought out a biscuit. soft with chocolate on the top, with the words Choco Leibniz engraved on the chocolate. I took it and bit into it, felt the soft chocolate biscuit dissolve in my mouth. It was the best thing i had eaten that whole day.

"What the hell is this, Lockwood?!" I demanded, devouring the rest. He laughed, that warmness filled me again and I smiled.

"It's called Choco Leibniz." He shrugged, "My dad used to have a stack of them in his study. I saw some in the shop a week ago and decided to buy some. Ever since i've been hiding them from George. Did you know he eats all the chocolate before the case so he can ask for some of mine or Holly's when we're on the case??"

I laughed again, leaned back against the wall behind us. "Sounds like George. You know, Lockwood?"
"Yeah?" He tilted his head back to me, his hair falling to one side as he did so, his dark eyes looking at me. I suddenly felt embarrassed beneath his watch, my eyes went to my lap where my hands lay, i fiddled with my fingers. "Well i uh, i wanted to say, that i have missed working with you again. You all." I added hastily, "I have missed working with you all."

He smiled, that genuine smile. He moved to lean back against the door next to me.
"I have missed working with you too Lucy Carlyle. Hey i uh, wanted to give you something. I found it whilst tidying in the lounge." Whilst he looked in his pockets i questioned him.
"You were tidying in the lounge?"
"Well," He laughed, there was a wheeze to it. "in truth i was looking for a good place to hide my biscuits, and found this little glass box."

He took out a small glass box, and handed it to me. I took it, turned it over in my fingers. Inside lay a ring, there was a green love heart in the middle, it was speckled with gold. It was beautiful, glittering in the lamp light outside the door.

"Oh, Lockwood, its beautiful! Thank you!" maybe it was by impulse, maybe because we were so close together again, maybe because i was giddy from his words or from his gift. But i leaned in and hugged him. My arms folding around his thin body, panic seized my brain, i immediately regretted what i had done. I was supposed to be professional.

He put his hands around me, hugged me back. It almost lifted me off the stair we sat on. We stayed there for a moment under the lamp light, just hugging. He pulled away, coughed. "Of course, i uh, i know we probably wont see each other after this and i thought you would like it so.." His voice trailed, there was a tint of pink in his cheeks. Was it from the cold air or from something else?

I opened my mouth to say something but Lockwood almost fell back, the door had opened, Quill Kipps stood there.

"Sorry bout that, Tony. Didn't know you were there. Anyway, are you gonna get this case finished or are you just gonna let Cubbins eat all that damn chocolate and then go home? I'm not supervising you if you're out here am i?"
Lockwood composed himself, getting up off the stone steps and patted himself down. "Quite right, Quill, as you normally are." He slyly smiled, "Right! Everyone come on lets carry on and get rid of this weirdo." He turned back to me and gave me a smile, "Ready Luce?" Quill rolled his eyes and went back inside the house.

"Mhm.. Thank you." I whispered, as George and Holly walked up the stairs to join us.
Lockwood just nodded and went inside.
"You okay Lucy?" Holly asked.
"Yup!" I slipped the ring in my jacket pocket. "You guys go ahead." I let George and Holly follow Lockwood and Quill, and stood outside for a moment longer in the dark night. Took out the ring and put it on my finger, then quickly hopped back inside with the rest.

 Took out the ring and put it on my finger, then quickly hopped back inside with the rest

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