Following Through

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Lucy POV
2000 Words

🎵Come on and haunt me
I know you want me
Come on and haunt me
I know you want me🎵

🎵Sharing all your secrets with each other since you were kids🎵
🎵Sleeping soundly with the locket that she gave you clutched in your fist 🎵

🎵you've been locked in here forever and you just can't say goodbye.🎵

-Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex

In the morning I lay on my side, looking at the wall. I lay like that for a while, until I saw the skull mouthing words at me in his jar. I got up from bed and opened it's valve.
"What do you want?"
"Well what's going on? You haven't been this boring since.. yesterday." It grinned up at me. "Is it Lockwood?"
"It doesn't matter anymore. He hates me. And I told him I quit."
"Good on you!" The skull grinned wildly, then, noticing I wasn't grinning back, stopped and coughed. "Well, of course that uh, very said. But we can work together again! You don't need Lockwood! He's a repulsive boy, with no memories!" The skull laughed, it's voice echoing in my head.

I shivered, thinking about how William sounded the same yesterday. "I'm gonna make breakfast." I said, and walked out my room, even though I wasn't hungry. I seemed to be the only one awake, there was no one in the library or the lounge. No one in the kitchen and, I could hear no rapier slashes from the basement, or the dusty smell you get when George had cracked open a thousand year-old book.

I took out some bread from the bread bin and slotted it into the toaster. Leaning back against the counter, waiting for the toaster to spring up. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realise the phone was ringing. I went out into the hallway and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Lockwood and Co, how may I help you?"
"Oh! I was worried no one was gonna pick up!" A familiar voice spoke cheerily down the phone. I frowned, memories flooding back to me. Walking through the marshes back home, making cocoa in the winter, and seeing all the frost and snow cover the weeds and plants outside.

"Mary?" I asked, but I knew I didn't need to. Of course it was her, my favourite sister, my best friend since I can remember.
"Lucy! It's been too long!"
"Why are you calling? And how did you know I was here?" I felt guilty, but I had never written to my family, the only person I wrote to was Norrie, and she was still ghost-locked.
"Well, it didn't take too long to find out you had been all over The Times, so it didn't take too long to fond out what agency you work at." I could hear her smiling, "And.. well I got a house in London! And I want you to come visit!!" She squealed, though she was older than me and we hadn't seen each other in years, a smile grew on my face. She still sounded like a kid, and made me remember that I was still a kid.

I smiled, "I would love to see you! How far away are you from Portland Row?"
"Well I asked the cab driver and he said about 20 minutes?"
"So.." There was silence for a moment, "How are things?"
I scoffed, Mary used to be so nosey, and it seemed she still was.
"Well can't we do a catch-up when I see you? Oh! And you can meet all my friends! Like Holly, you would love her, and Quill, I will warn you he is devastatingly unfunny." I heard Mary laugh, "And George! Though he can be a bit cold with new people. And.." I stopped, thinking about last night, Lockwood face, how angry he was, "And Lockwood.."
"Oh I've heard a lot about this Lockwood." Mary laughed. "Sounds like a right character."
"Mh," I hummed, "He's charming all right.. Listen, Mary, is it alright if I stay with you for a while?"

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