Pretty Professional

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Lockwood POV
1025 words

🎵Tell me all the important stuff
what's your favourite colour, what makes you so tough?
please don't let go when you've had enough
i'm on my knees🎵
- What once was by Her's

i hated George for making me go all the way to Tooting on my own. I hated Holly for being out of town on that day as well, i hated myself for needed to see her so bad and i most of all hated this stupid fucking apartment complex. This is where she chose to live? This? The wallpaper peeled, neighbours screamed and banged on the ceilings with brooms. Babies cried and there was a weird smell of lavender, dust, and beer.. something else as well but i didn't want to venture to find out.
Penelope insisted on trying to get Lucy involved, and i was grateful, i desperately needed a reason to see her again. The only things left of her where photos, a few clothes she left behind she wasn't going to wear anymore, and whenever she showed up in the papers. I acted like i didn't care when i was at home.

"Hey look! Lucy's made another headline!" Holly would chirp, shoving the paper in my hands. A photo of the girl who broke my heart laying out in front of me. I acted unbothered, "Wow that's good for her." But in reality, i would sneak into the Library or Kitchen when no one was around and fish the paper out of the bin where George usually threw any one of them with Lucy mentioned. And i would keep it. Just to keep tabs on how she was doing. Holly knew i was hurt by her departure, we all were. she was a freelancer now she mainly bounced around from agency to agency.

But her fame didn't irritate me like it did George, it made me feel pride for having lived with her, for having helped her gain better knowledge of her Talent. But it also riddled me with regret. I had let her go, and, as i walked up another split floorboard, her name plate on her door coming into view, i would never, ever, let her leave me again.

Outside her door a pile of ironed clothes sat. A bow on top keeping them all together. I tilted my head at the pile, was it a gift? why would her neighbours buy her a whole pack of clothes? unless she had a boyfriend.. but even thats a little extreme, it's not even valentines day yet. I crouched and scooped the pile up in my hands, my face immediately flushed. the first item of clothing being black lacy panties. Didn't know she would be into.. lacy.. clothes. Or that i would be into it for that matter. No. She doesn't matter like that anymore. Yet i still felt that familiar shiver run through me, my mind battling with that image of her. I shook my head to rid me of those thoughts, it's not like that anymore, purely professional, im asking her for help with a case. i flattened my hair, swooping it out of the way, i straightened my back and made sure my shirt was tucked in. Straightened the blue skull tie Lucy had given me as a gift on that Christmas. That Christmas. Cracked my neck and coughed, then raised a first and knocked on the door.

...and knocked... and knocked.

Finally i heard movement, she did always used to get up later than me, when she lived with me. Maybe sleep schedules become harder to manage with freelancing? I don't really know.
The click of the handle turning made me jump, my eyes widen. Lucy stood there before me. A rumpled purple shirt with skulls and crossbones decorated it. Grey sweatpants and messy hair. Oh gods how i have missed her flaws, her imperfections. Holly was perfect sure, but that didn't matter, it was Lucy's imperfections that make me fall head over heels.

Professional Lockwood, professional. Yet i couldn't help that smile creeping along my lips,

"Hello, Lucy." I spoke.
"Hi," she moved her hand away from behind her and swiped a strand of messy hair away from her face, "Hi." Shit. I forgot everything i was going to say, but i'm good at that, thinking on my feet. Except when Lucy was standing in front of me, staring up at me with those sparkling brown eyes.
I joked, "Sorry its a bit early. I see you haven't been up long." She thought for a second, her little monologues running through her mind. It was weird, seeing her for the first time in four months. Panic seized her expression and her eyes widened in horror looking down at the package of clothes in my hand.

"Oh yes, there was this package on your step? Looks like a lot of nicely ironed items... don't know if they're-"
"My neighbours!" She squeaked, her cheeks red, "I'll look after it for him. For her."

for him..

She snatched the bag out of my hands and threw them behind her. Not a very professional way to look after your neighbours clothes, i thought, but whatever.
"You look after your neighbours underwear." I forced myself not to burst out laughing in front of her, my smile shaking. "What kind of building is this??" I glanced around, peeling wallpaper, screaming neighbours, that weird smell i couldn't put my finger on.
"It's well- Uh- Lockwood." She breathed, I glanced my eyes back at her, she blew out her cheeks forcing her eyes to focus. "Lockwood what are you doing here?"
"Well," I allowed myself to calm down, and felt into the giddy electricity of realisation, that i was in fact stood in front of Lucy Carlyle, once again. My head went back to looking at her, my focus was her.

Only her.

"Well, I wanted to check in, make sure you're doing okay. And i've got something to ask you," I glanced around the inside of her room, getting a sneak-peek of rumpled sheets and clothes lining the floor. "If you've got the time that is." I directed the last part back to her, stared into her brown eyes. They widened. "Oh. Yes. Yes, of course i have. Um, why don't you come in?" She opened the door to let me inside.


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