A girl, A boy and a graveyard

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Lucy POV
1622 Words

🎵Lucy takes the long way home
Meets me in a field pf stone
She says I don't know how I'm supposed to feel
My body's cold and my guts a twist in steel🎵

🎵So underneath the concrete sky
Lucy takes her hand in mine
She says 'life's a game we're meant to lose but if you stick by me I will stick by you.'🎵

-A girl, A Boy, And A Graveyard by Jeremy Messersmith

I opened the door, and Lockwood stood there. He was wearing his blue matching pyjamas, but he had his boots on. "Lucy." He was holding an umbrella, but his hair was still wet, droplets of water fell down his slim face. "I know it's late but.. Will you take a walk with me?" He spoke quietly, staring at me with deep brown eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked.
"Questions later. I need to show you something." He held out his hand for me, I stood there and stared at it. I glanced back inside the house, then stepped out took his hand and closed the door behind me. He opened the umbrella and held it above us, we walked down the steps and into the rain.
"I had been meaning to show you this for a while now, but I couldn't really bring myself to.." He still spoke quietly, as if he were worried if he raised his voice I'd run away.

"What is it?" I asked, I stared down at the ground, watching our feet walk out in front of us, looking at our hands intertwined. He hadn't let go, but I didn't bring myself to feel any hope, last time I felt hope, well.. I glanced back at my sisters house that was now fading from my line of sight.

Lockwood hadn't answered me, we continued walking. It was just us out there, the sky was a pitch black, the only light came from ghost-lamps and a few passing cars. We walked east for a while, past houses that all looked the same under blanket of darkness night hauled over London. We reached an intersection and Lockwood stopped, I stumbled at the sudden loss of swift movement and our fingers slipped. I blinked, and shoved both my hands into my pockets.

"Lockwood," I took a breath and stared at him, "What are you doing?? You kick me out of Lockwood and Co, after yelling in my face, then you show up at my door in pyjamas, whilst it's raining, to show me something?? Can you at least tell me where we're going?" He stood there, his face shrouded in the darkness of the umbrella.
"We're here."

I turned and looked at the gate, it was a rusted panelling. Further on there was a low stone wall covered in ivy. We were stood in front of the Old Marylebone Cemetery, they had shut this down quite some time ago, after the Problem started getting worse. Salted the whole place, scattered some lavender and encased it with iron.

"What are we-"
"If you put your boot up onto that ivy here, you should be able to see a small wooden platform below you. Then reach out, grab that post beside it, and swing yourself up above the gate. You can see the stone wall I suspect? That's the way we take. Think you can do that?" I laughed, he had a smile on his face but it didn't look to be from joy. I stopped laughing and rolled my eyes.
"Jesus Lockwood, I've hardly been gone a day." I took my hands out my pockets, and crossed my arms.
"Right, well I'll see you there." He did exactly as how he instructed, swung himself up over the gate, just missing his leg on the sharp rusted points, and landed with a soft thud of the stone below his boots. He was now on the other side.

I scoffed, and even though there was a lot more heavy breathing on my part, and I almost slipped, I managed to stand beside him in the overgrown cemetery. And boy was it overgrown, the grass needed cutting, flowers and weeds grew in all places, ivy stuck to whatever surface it could find, and cobwebs strung from one tree to the next.

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