You're alive you're alive you're alive

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Lucy POV
1834 Words

🎵And I know you don't remember calling me
But I told you even then you looked so pretty
in your hospital bed
I remember you said you were scared and so was I🎵
- The 30th by Billie Eilish

I woke up in the back of a taxi. The plush seats under me felt wet. My head rang, wet strands of hair clung to my forehead. Lockwood was next to me. He was breathing. He was breathing! But his eyes were shut. Maybe he was just asleep.
"Lockwood." I croaked and shook his side.
"Oh good you're awake! What happened?!" It was our usual driver, Jake.

"Wait.." I sat up shakily, "How? What?"
"Well I was driving back to the station, when I saw you and Mr Lockwood there on the pavement. You must have fallen asleep. I'm driving you back to Portland Row now... Now, I've answered your question, you answer mine." He looked at me in the rearview window, his round face scrunched up with concern. "What happened?" He said it in almost a whisper, then turned his eyes back to the road.

"I.. Me and Lockwood were getting something from the library, then four people came and ambushed us. They beat us up. I thought.. I thought Lockwood was dead." I looked at him, tears sprung to my eyes and i clung onto his wet jacket.
"Nah he's not dead. But he has a concussion that's for sure. We need to take him to the hospital. I'm dropping you home first."
"Wait I- I need to stay with him!" Tears flowed down my cheeks.
"Just let me take him to the hospital miss Carlyle."
That was it, the rest of the car ride was in silence. I found Lockwood's hand and held it the whole way home, gripping onto his jacket so tightly. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I listened to his wheezing breath.

Holly came running down the stairs to the taxi. She had been sat on the front steps, watching the empty roads for any sign of me and Lockwood for hours. She stood by the driver and let him help me out the car. My vision was blurred by tears. Holly gasped when she saw Lockwood's body in the backseat, she asked questions by I didn't hear them. I couldn't hear anything. My mind was blurred just like my eyes. Somehow I was in the library. Covered in blankets, the fire in front of me. There was the smell of tea, and wood burning, the smell of home. At some point the front door slammed, boots pounded on the floor and a pudgy hand pushed open the library door. George stood over me, screaming, but I didn't hear him. It didn't faze me.

Holly rushed in and grabbed George's arm, pulling him away from me. George's crystal blue eyes looked slightly red and puffy, had he been crying? Had he gone to visit Lockwood? What day was it?

All I could do was stare into the fire, i could see two people, flickering along the wood and coals, they were dancing. Hand in hand, hand on waist. One wore a long coat and tie, the other a beautiful dress. But I knew what would happen to them, they would fizzle out, die among the broken bits of coal and burned pieces of newspaper.

I turned my head away from them and stared out the window. The sky was still dark, but you could tell it was only a few hours before dawn came. The ghost lamps outside, flickered on and off. I let my head lull into the soft cushions, and fall asleep.

The moment I remembered the most, was in the morning. I had fallen asleep there on the couch. I remember the sun shining. I had woken up to the smell of bacon. My legs shook when i stood up. I made my way through the hall, past the stairs and to the kitchen. Holly was there.
"Hey." She smiled.
"You never make bacon." I murmured and pointed to the pan.
"Oh it's for you and George, i've already had my breakfast. How.. how did you sleep?" She asked this with hesitation. I shrugged and sat at the table, the room felt fuzzy and slightly unfamiliar.
"Thought so. George hasn't even gotten up yet." She frowned, or I could hear the frown in her voice, but she was facing away from me.

A girl, A boy, and a graveyardWhere stories live. Discover now