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"are you angry y/n?" the question was an empty one, a sense of pity swirling within it as it reached your ears. confusion met you half way, an unfamiliar feeling settling deep within you at the words that mumbled against your ears.

your eyes opened, meeting nothing but the sight of yourself in front of you. as if watching in a third person view, you noticed your hair falling messily in front of your face, the strands of it getting stuck by the sweat and grime covering your once polished skin.

your shoulders slumped in defeat. a peculiar sight to say the least. the dark room fought in contrast with the bright light surrounding your frame.

if you focused hard enough, you could hear the distant yelling of voices once so familiar to you, and your heart ached inside of your chest from the noise.

what was this?

the pressure in your head was making it hard to understand anything going on around you, shifting things in a blur. you groaned quietly, sitting yourself onto the ground. the figure of yourself moved as you did, reflecting every labored breath that came from you.

"are you angry y/n." the question was repeated, quieter than before, but laced with more urgency. it was hard to think, hard to answer, hard to move.

"why would i be angry." your throat was dry, voice coming out more hoarse than you would've liked. you licked your lips, though it did nothing to better your situation.

you cleared your throat. "why would i be angry?" you tried again.

it was quiet for a moment, and you feared you wouldn't get a response. you had absolutely no idea where you were. it was dark, and eerily quiet. a quietness that would haunt even the most introverted person.

𝙄𝙈𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙏𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙂𝙉. ( kny x reader )Where stories live. Discover now