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there seemed to be a very big difference between the Gyomei you interacted with on the daily, and the Gyomei that trained you. that much was something you had to forcefully learn from the get go.

"tighten your core." you winced at the contact made against your bare stomach, Gyomei's hand applying pressure right on the bruise you had gained from yesterday's session. you did as told, brows furrowing together as you made sure to keep your core tightened like he ordered.

the harsh pressure from the waterfall stung at your bare back, prickling and stabbing the soft flesh as it turned red from the impact. you tried your best to keep your balance on the wet stone beneath you, the last thing you needed was the slip and fall into the strong current below.

you did not want a repeat from last time.

the thought made you physically recoil.

it had been roughly three months since you were gifted your treasured earrings, and in those three months you had truly seen what hell was like.

Gyomei didn't fail to push your body past it's breaking point and back, although your total concentration constant helped tremendously; it didn't dwindle the fact that you were in so much physical pain you weren't even sure you had the strength to bathe yourself before bed anymore.

your hair stuck to your body, and the pressure from the waterfall made your skin itchy all over. total concentration constant had heightened all your senses, and with a quick explanation on just what it actually was (curtesy of Gyomei) ; you were beginning to understand why that was.

three months of excessive training, working not just your physical body, but your mind as well was a struggle in its own. paired up with having to battle against Gyomei at the end of each week, you were in a lot of pain.

𝙄𝙈𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙏𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙂𝙉. ( kny x reader )Where stories live. Discover now