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sweat trickled down your body, drops falling against the dirt beneath you.

your movements were quick, eyes moving fast and hearing working even faster as you clumsily dodged the brutal attack thrown your way.

you hissed at the force of the blow, being swept off your feet as you tumbled to the floor harshly. the back of your head coming into contact with the floor making you choke on your spit, vision blurring for a few seconds.

your ears picked up on it first, and you felt your stomach sink with complete terror. you let out a shriek as you rolled to the other side, barely managing to miss the blow Gyomei had thrown where you just were. the force of it making dust kick up.

you let out ragged breaths, back sore from the knockdown seconds before. the dust hadn't settled, and you took the chance to use it to your advantage, feet light as you zoomed towards the stone pillar.

your mind was racing with ways to land a hit.

if you kept low, knowing how he was, he'd feel the vibrations of your steps through the ground beneath him. and yet you mentally thanked the man for telling you how he managed with his blindness.

as terrible as it sounded, you used his disadvantage to your power, checking off any possible outcome that could happen from your mental list. and staying low to the ground would be the first one off.

on the other hand, if you chose to attack from above, it would give Gyomei the opening he would need to quickly deflect, giving you no room to move mid air.

you grit your teeth, deciding on the next best thing.

rush in, head on.

the clacking of his beads gave his position away, his fist flying straight towards your face.

𝙄𝙈𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙏𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙂𝙉. ( kny x reader )Where stories live. Discover now