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"everything we've worked for. everything we've given. was it all for nothing."

your eyes clashed against a younger version of yourself. a two year younger Y/N watched with dull eyes as you sat defeated on the ground.

blood dripped from your head injury, your left eye blinking away the blood as if it were nothing but water. the irritation had numbed you to the uncomfortableness, and you no longer winced at the feeling. everything had numbed itself out now.

you gazed up at yourself, staring intently at the younger you that watched almost in a faux disappointment. "why are you just sitting there."

your brows furrowed, and your jaw clenched in irritation.

"stand up Y/N!"

your swords shifted as you stood, your head lowering to look down at yourself.

you stood, and you hadnt realized how much you had grown in so little time.

or had it really been that long?

you couldnt tell anymore.

"i bit off more than i can chew this time." you watched as the younger version of yourself tilted her head with eyes shining in surprise, almost as if you had said something so unexpected it simply couldnt be true.

you lowered your head even more, "hes too strong for me."

"what are you talking about."

you repeated yourself. "im not strong enough."

every inch of your body hurt, no doubt having atleast a few broken ribs from the hits you've been taking tonight. you had made Tanjiro and the demon girl he protected your number one priority, the value in your own life meaning nothing to you in the moment.

𝙄𝙈𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙏𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙂𝙉. ( kny x reader )Where stories live. Discover now