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Chapter 2

There is no suspense in the military training, Hua Mingjue is punished by the old man to stand.

He walked towards the outside of the classroom indifferently, when passing by Shi Yao, Shi Yao secretly looked up at him. The boy was against the light, Shi Yao looked at him from this angle, and felt that he was very tall, almost covered in a shadow, she only caught a glimpse of the mandible with sharp edges and corners, which seemed to be a little bruised.

Suddenly, the boy lowered his eyelids, met Shi Yao's gaze condescendingly, and said coldly, "What are you looking at?" Shi Yao turned her head in embarrassment, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

When someone went out, Yu Tian dared to complain in a low voice: "This person has a bad temper, let's not provoke him." Shi Yao has always been a good girl who doesn't provoke disputes, so naturally she doesn't think she will fight Hua Ming in the future. There is no intersection, Wen Yan just smiled awkwardly.

A week of military training is required before the official class starts. The school calls it training will and enhancing feelings, but in the eyes of the top students in the key classes, such dispensable things are a waste of time. Double torture to their spirit and body!

As we all know, children who are generally good at learning are a little bit absent-minded. Therefore, Class One has not only become a key class in studies, but also a key class for instructors in military training-the key torture class.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the sun just showed its venomous edge, a group of "sick people" in the first class began to run around the playground with complaints. Shi Yao was short, so she had to stand at the front to be exposed to the sun. She had white skin that hadn't been sun-tanned, and she was as tanned as a red light at a crossroad after running half a lap.

Instructor Li yelled a few words from time to time with a loudspeaker. Suddenly, he stopped everyone, glanced at the group of listless children sternly, raised the loudspeaker and said in displeasure: "Aren't there few children in your class?" Someone?" He raised his hand and gestured near his head: "Where is he?"

Instructor Li is more than 1.8 meters tall, and he grew to half his head height in the first day of junior high school, and Hua Mingjue was the only one in the first class.

A skinny boy wearing glasses shuddered a few times, and said falteringly: "Well... Brother Jue said he doesn't do military training, if you ask, just say he went to pee."

"Hahahaha." The lifeless class burst into short laughter, and a black monkey-like male student next to the boy elbowed him hard: "You are stupid!" Then the black monkey raised his hand and said: "

Report Instructor, Brother Jue didn't pee, no, he didn't tell us that he went to pee!" The

laughter rang out again, Shi Yao also laughed helplessly, she really suspected that Yu Tian's information was wrong, in fact, these two idiots also got involved through connections of.

Instructor Li frowned, put the loudspeaker in the palm of his hand, and knocked: "Brother Jue? You have a lot of cards, go and call him back, I want to see what kind of character he is." At this time,

this A "character" was lying down and sleeping under the shade of a tree in the west playground. I don't know which class was going to take a rest under the tree.

"Who is this person?" "Which class." "Instructor!"

Hua Mingjue was woken up by the noisy voice, and sat up impatiently: "What are you shouting about?" He was sleepy, and there was a leaf on his head.

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