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Chapter 10 Hate

Flower Mingjue went to a nearby bank. He had a card that was left to him by his deceased grandfather. The relics left to him, some jewelry, and a photo of her holding the newborn Hua Mingjue.

But these things were all hidden by him, and he was glad that he didn't tell the prodigal father these secrets, otherwise he would have no money to buy a necklace for the girl he likes now.

Shi Yao and Yu Tian stayed in the jewelry store for a long time, while Hua Mingjue was standing in a nearby corner smoking a cigarette. He waited until his fingers were turning white from the cold before the two little girls came out laughing.

Hua Mingjue looked at the backs of the two of them, took a last puff of the cigarette, and then casually flicked the cigarette butt into the trash can beside him. He felt very strange, since he was far away from Shi Yao, and he couldn't see the smile on her face. expression, but looking at the trembling ponytail, he felt that Shi Yao was in a good mood, so he snorted softly, and the smoke took advantage of the opportunity to overflow, obscuring the winter night.

He strode into the jewelry store, and among the chattering girls, he pointed at the necklace on the window with a wooden face: "Please wrap this up for me." After he finished speaking,

he looked around again, stiffly A look of uneasiness appeared on his face, he stretched out his hand and gestured, his eyes wandered and said, "Do you have... flowers or something." The shop assistant smiled and

pasted a blue dried flower on the gift box , Hua Mingjue laughed until his ears burned. He hurriedly stuffed the small box into the pocket of his school uniform and strode out.

Christmas is coming soon, since you want to chase girls, you always have to give gifts.

On the way home, the small box was like a red-hot brick, heavily embedded in Hua Ming's determination. He carefully opened the door all the way.

Hua Mingjue was stunned.

On the sofa facing the door, the figure of his father overlapped with another person. In the dark room, the strange white leg hanging on the ground was dazzling.

As the door was pushed open, the sounds that filled the room disappeared, and the woman poked her head out from the man's chest, looking around without hesitation. Hua Mingjue saw a face that was very similar to his mother.

He has only seen his mother in photos, but he will never forget his mother's slightly raised eyes, those eyes are so sharp and energetic, just like the woman in front of him now, but looking at her, Hua Hua Mingjue vomited from the bottom of his heart.

"Get out." Hua Mingjue said in a hoarse voice with rolling Adam's apple.

The woman "cut" and began to put on her clothes, but Hua Mingjue's father grabbed the woman's hand. His face was cold, with dark clouds between his brows: "Get out." The father and son looked at each other silently


A layer of black mist formed under Hua Mingjue's eyes. He looked very calm, but before the tsunami, the sea was also calm.

Soon, chickens and dogs started flying around in this narrow room, and the woman's scream pierced through the entire building. Hua Mingjue, like a crazy cheetah, took a butcher's knife from the kitchen and chased that woman all over the room. woman.

"Hua Zhen! Where did you find a fake slut! Do you think she looks like my mother? Huh?" Hua Mingjue was restrained by the man, but he still struggled frantically and rushed towards the woman.

It was the first time for a man to feel that Hua Mingjue was so strong, and he couldn't hold it back. Sweating profusely, he yelled at the woman, "Aren't you going to run away? Are you waiting to die!"

The woman hurriedly responded, her clothes were disheveled, and she ran away crying.

The door slammed shut with a bang, and Hua Zhen finally grabbed Hua Mingjue's knife-holding hand, and slapped him backhanded.

After the intense conflict was suspended, Hua Mingjue's eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth: "What do you mean by bringing such a woman back? I thought that even if you are no longer human, you still have a little bit of nostalgia for my mother!" "Shut up

! "The man punched Hua Mingjue's stomach with a punch, and Hua Mingjue suddenly felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, followed by a cramping pain in his stomach.

He half knelt on the ground with a pale face, and heard the man say: "Your mother? The woman who has been dead for thirteen years, you are the only one who still thinks about her every day. Everyone looks like your mother." Hua Mingjue was dragged by the hair

, Forced to raise his face, the face that resembled him was right in front of his eyes, but the distance between the two seemed to be very far away. Hua Zhen's expression was ferocious, and he paused every word: "Next time you mess with me, don't blame me for sending you to reunite with your mother."

"Uh..." Hua Mingjue was dragged out of the door with his arms twisted, and then the man threw out his schoolbag again, and the test papers scattered all over him.

"Get out, I don't want to see you now." The man closed the door with disgust on his face.

He didn't know that Hua Mingjue had always been ignorant in his impression, but at this moment, he squatted on the ground for a while, put away his schoolbag, got up, and made the test papers on the first floor with the help of someone's porch lamp.

Hua Mingjue also didn't know that that heartless scum dad found out the secrets in his room just this morning. At this time, he walked into Hua Mingjue's bedroom again, and found an old iron box from the stacked drawers. He pushed aside the outdated jewelry, and took out a photo from the bottom of the box.

The child in the photo was crying loudly, and a small hand waved out, sticking to the face of the woman who was holding him. And the woman's eyes were slightly raised, and although she looked a little weak, she was still smiling happily.

The man looked at it for a while, then silently put the photo back.

"Man Ling, what should I do," Hua Zhen muttered to himself, "I hate that child."

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