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Chapter 8 Does it hurt?

Shi Yao was nervous while running, just now she ran down impulsively, now she felt that her reaction was not normal. What will she say when she sees Hua Mingjue? Do you care about him? But what position does she use to say these words?

Soon, Shi Yao came to the entrance of the stadium on the first floor, she slowed down, the stadium was still playing exciting music, and cheers filled her ears, do you want to walk in like this in front of everyone.

Shi Yao tugged at the hem of her clothes in frustration, feeling that she was so reckless for the first time. Just when she was hesitating, the noise in the venue suddenly changed. The loudspeaker blared harshly, and then the teacher's voice appeared inside: "Strict fighting in the school! The head teachers of Classes 1 and 5 Hurry up and maintain order! Say it again..."

Shi Yao's heart skipped a beat, she rushed in hastily without caring about anything else. Sure enough, the members of the two classes in the gymnasium were all scuffling together, each of them was like a wild beast. The tall boys yelled and rushed into each other.

Friendship comes first, competition comes second, it's actually just a scene, it's shameful to play tricks in a basketball game, not to mention that Class 5 has to abduct others when they're finished. Being so blatant and blatant is sure to make a group easy to bully. Can this be tolerated? Even though Class 1 was full of study buddies, they were at a young age anyway, so they choked with Class 5 on the spot.

Zhou Ziyuan blushed, and wanted to argue with the abductee, but before he could argue a word, a figure suddenly flashed in the corner of his eye, and Hua Mingjue punched that bastard down.

So that's how it started.

Teacher Zhang is also a miserable woman. She was nearly half a century old and had to rush into the crowd. These half-grown men almost knocked her glasses off. After much difficulty, the children in the two classes were gathered together, and the class teacher arranged his messy hairstyle and was about to reprimand him, but only then did he realize that Hua Mingjue, who caused trouble and was the first to strike, had gone somewhere up!

Outside the stadium, in the shade of the building. Shi Yao let go of Hua Mingjue's wrist, which was always in his hand.

The school seemed a little quiet on weekends, and the wind in the shade was quite strong, blowing the dead branches and leaves in winter to rustle and whine. Shi Yao breathed out a puff of white smoke as soon as she gasped, the boy looked at her with lowered eyelids, and smiled, "Why did you bring me here? They even helped me fight, I'm freezing to death.

" Thinking of it, she pulled him out of the battlefield, forgetting that he was still wearing a hurdle vest.

"You won't educate me again, will you?" Hua Mingjue continued to joke around, he liked seeing Shi Yao's embarrassed look, so he said deliberately: "Speaking of this fight is also related to you, if I didn't pursue you , I can’t participate in this kind of pediatric basketball game, and I won’t at all..."

The latter words were blocked by a red scarf, Hua Mingjue opened his eyes slightly, watching the girl in front of him stand on tiptoe and put her own scarf on Put it around his neck.

Shi Yao's face was blown bleached by the wind, only her mouth was as red as that scarf for some reason, Hua Mingjue stared at her opening and closing mouth, and heard her say: "Is it still cold? Why don't you take your coat with you?" Here you are, you just sweated so much."

Hua Mingjue didn't respond, Shi Yao didn't say much, she lowered her head slightly, as if embarrassed, and asked in a low voice: "Does it hurt?" "

Hmm ?"

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