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Chapter 43 Wen Nuan

When Shi Yao and Hua Mingjue arrived, Wen Xiaoyang squatted at the door of his house, she hugged her knees, and ignored no one. Yu Tian and Zhou Ziyuan stood aside, looking at each other.

"Look, she just stood there motionless for a long time." Zhou Ziyuan whispered.

"Yes, we talked to her, but she didn't respond." Yu Tian also said.

Wen Xiaoyang, who "didn't respond", noticed the movement here, and she slowly raised her head, revealing a face with heavy makeup. After painting, it is like a layer of dead white lime.

She seemed to have cried, but she was covered by pink eye shadow, so she couldn't see it clearly. Shi Yao paused, took a step back, and looked up at Hua Mingjue.

Obviously, Wen Xiaoyang squatted here specially, just waiting for him.

Hua Mingjue's brows hadn't been loosened since he turned into the corridor, he never told Shi Yao about his grievances with Wen Xiaoyang, and he wasn't going to let Wen Xiaoyang say it in front of so many people.

But Hua Mingjue looked at Shi Yao, seeing that she didn't respond, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He walked towards Wen Xiaoyang with a cold face, grabbed her arm and walked downstairs: "Do you need me? Tell me quickly, and then go back." "

Go back? Where do you think I can go?" Wen Xiaoyang spoke suddenly, she was smiling, as if she just asked a question casually.

Hua Mingjue froze and didn't look back: "Your original home."

In fact, Hua Mingjue didn't know if Wen Xiaoyang had a home. At the intersection, Wen Xiaoyang had endless conversations with him every day, even though he spent most of the time face-to-face. Doing his own thing expressionlessly, but Wen Xiaoyang can talk endlessly from day to night by himself. But thinking about it now, most of what she said was not nutritious, she talked about herself, but she didn't say a word about herself.

Did she come to ask for help? Hua Mingjue secretly guessed that he knew that as an employee of the intersection, Wen Xiaoyang had also been injected with that drug, and now that the intersection is gone, she may not be able to withstand the torture of the drug.

He knows the power of that drug.

An Omega girl who has nowhere to go, will suffer severe pain that is worse than death under the influence of drugs every three to five times. She may wander on the streets, and may be treated even more horribly. In this case, the same Omega himself seems to be able to lend a helping hand to her, but...

Hua Mingjue tilted his head slightly, and glanced at Shi Yao who was standing at the entrance of the corridor from the corner of his eye. He still had some resistance to Wen Xiaoyang in his heart, not only because she faced Mr. Huo used his estrous self when he persecuted him, and he resisted her for other reasons.

As someone who was seduced by Wen Xiaoyangming before she was differentiated, Hua Mingjue knew how many ways this female Omega could show her innocence in front of Alphas. If she grew up well in school, there should be many Alphas who would like her... Hua

Mingjue A burst of irritability rose in Ming's determination. In the final analysis, her today was chosen step by step by herself.

Hua Mingjue frowned slightly, and looked at Wen Xiaoyang: "What's the matter with you?" If she was really in trouble, he could help her, but he would never let her contact Shi Yao.

However, Wen Xiaoyang seemed indifferent to this issue. She raised her head and smiled at him. After all, Wen Xiaoyang is still very young. Although her make-up is clumsy, her smile is not ugly. On the contrary, she has a kind of youthfulness and childishness. She proudly said: "Decision Brother, I think you don't seem to blame me."

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