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Chapter 34 The fiancée

hotel restaurant, a group of hangovers are about to sit at a table to eat, and each can see a trace of embarrassment in each other's eyes. After they tacitly made eye contact, they secretly went to look at Hua Mingjue at the same time.

In the morning, Shi Yao went out and bought a suit of clothes for Hua Mingjue, a peaked cap, a beach-style blue shirt, and a pair of loose shorts. It's just that Shi Yao didn't get the right size, so she bought a shirt a size too small, so she had to wear it open, revealing her smooth waistline and the gauze wrapped around her waist. Shi Yao was silent for a while, and suddenly regretted that she didn't ask for the size clearly.

At this time, Hua Mingjue was wearing this outfit, and was lazily sitting among his former classmates, as if he was on vacation with them. The embarrassing atmosphere seemed to be a dark cloud condensed above everyone's heads, but Hua Mingjue ignored the dark cloud and looked at the scenery with his legs crossed.

Shi Yao was not there, she just ran away by herself when she said she had something to deal with. Yu Tian couldn't bear the atmosphere, looked at Hua Mingjue for a while, and Zhou Ziyuan for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "That...Brother Jue, what do you want to eat?"

Hua Mingjue glanced at the menu: "I can do whatever I want. "

Zhou Ziyuan said suddenly, and said with a smile: "I want to eat strawberry pudding, how about you?"

There was a small burst of laughter on the table, and several people booed maliciously: "I also want to taste strawberry." "Yes, eat something sweet."

"Hey, you guys..." Yu Tian subconsciously glanced at Ming Jue, and as expected, Brother Jue's face turned dark immediately.

Normally, Yu Tian wouldn’t feel anything wrong, joking about Omega’s pheromones is as normal as drinking plain water, since she was a child, she could hear Alpha molesting Omega in various formal and informal places, and she even acquiesced that this is The right thing to do. But for some reason, seeing Hua Mingjue's expression today, she suddenly felt a little guilty.

Maybe it's because Hua Mingjue doesn't always give people the impression of a weak and deceitful Omega, or maybe he's someone Shi Yao likes.

Yu Tian frowned slightly. She watched Hua Mingjue's hands hanging under the table gradually clenched tightly, and her ears were filled with the laughter of her classmates, and she felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted to smooth things over, but she didn't know where to start. After all, in the world's perception, her classmates didn't do anything bad.

Just when she was hesitating, Zhou Ziyuan asked suddenly: "Yu Tian, ​​do you want to eat strawberry pudding?"

He was very serious, his tone of voice seemed to confirm the other party's position, and his black and white eyes stared intently at Yu Tian , asking her to make a decision as soon as possible, whether to join him or speak for Hua Mingjue.

It was the first time for Yu Tian to look at Zhou Ziyuan so closely, and her heart beat unbelievably faster. She felt shy when she saw Zhou Ziyuan's porcelain-white face, but she didn't feel nervous talking to him when Shiyao interrupted her before. , but this time...

"Huh?" Zhou Ziyuan moved closer. There was some impatience in his eyes, as if he was dissatisfied with Yu Tian's hesitation. Yu Tian's lips opened and closed, and under the temptation of beauty, she almost wanted to stand on the united front with Zhou Ziyuan immediately, and wanted to be classified as one of his own by him.

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