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Chapter 19 Dreams

That night, Shi Yao had a dream. She dreamed of a field where tender green vegetable seedlings had just emerged, and the soil was soaked in the moisture of the spring rain. She was lying on it in a white lace nightgown, worrying about getting her clothes dirty. Worry about crushing the seedlings.

At this time, a slender figure came out from the misty mountains in the distance. The figure was hazy, and the mountain fog was his clothes. Shi Yao couldn't help but stare at his faintly visible legs, thinking that he seemed to be the spirit of the mountains.

Then, the vegetable seedlings began to spray flower petals towards the sky, creating a small path, and someone shouted: "Brother, please go on the flower path!" After saying that, Shi Yao saw

the person's face clearly.

She lay quietly in the vegetable field, the buzzing of the summer insects was like a rhythmic drumbeat, and then she was enveloped by a figure, and the sweet smell of pheromones attracted all the butterflies nearby. The moonlight is the nectar sprinkled on his back, the smooth arms are propped up in front of her eyes, and the fingertips are clasped tightly with her fingers.

He kissed her face, brushing her face like a tender vegetable sprout, his warm breath aroused the fine hair on her face, itching.


"Crack." Shi Yao killed a mosquito on her face, and opened her eyes on her little bed.

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly gasped and covered her hot cheeks. She couldn't help recalling the dream just now, wondering what was wrong with me, why Hua Mingjue in the dream was like that, he wriggled on her body, his eyes seemed to be filled with water, and his body seemed to be white again. Soft cotton candy...

Damn, why are there mosquitoes in the house in winter, bothering her... dreaming sweet dreams. She pursed her lips, climbed out of bed and wanted to go to the refrigerator to get a bottle of mineral water to drink.

The scene in the dream just now was real and absurd, but she still had a sense of regret that was endlessly memorable.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Shi Yao saw that her mother was watching a talent show, and the late-night TV light shone brightly on Shi Yueling's crying and swollen eyes. Shi Yao froze in surprise, and tentatively asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Yaoyao," Shi Yueling stretched out his hand to his precious daughter, begging for a hug, and said in tears, "Mom's pick's little brother has debuted, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowolacus."

Shi Yao almost cried too, hugging her mother and thinking, finally she can drink another brand of milk.

In the dead of night, Shi Yao's heart moved, and she sat beside Shi Yueling.

"Mom, is the gender differentiation random? Is it possible... to show a certain gender orientation before the differentiation?" Shi Yao opened her eyes wide, curious and cautious.

Shi Yueling sniffed, and said casually: "Of course, my mother has been partial to Alphas since she was a child. She has always been the first in her class in sports, and her brains are also good. At that time, my family had already determined that I would become an Alpha. You see That's it."

Shi Yao frowned and asked: "Then is there a situation where someone behaved particularly special A, but ended up decomposing into an Omega?"

Shi Yueling suddenly became serious when he heard the words, and said with concern: "Yao Yao, have you split into O?"

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