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Chapter 42

When Wen Xiaoyang Shiyao woke up, the police cars had already surrounded the place. She was lying on a stretcher and was being sent to the ambulance. It seemed that she was taken as a victim of the explosion. As for those who were fainted by Shi Yao's pheromone, they all got into the majestic police cars.

It is said that the police found a package in the ruins, which contained all the accounting information of the Jiaodian for the past five years, tax evasion and money laundering, enough for this group of people to cry behind bars for several years.

Shi Yao struggled to open her eyes, and saw the concerned faces of Yu Tian, ​​Zhou Ziyuan and Lu Xi. She moved her fingers with difficulty, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Hua Mingjue is in another ambulance." Yu Tian and Zhou Ziyuan spoke at the same time, they were taken aback, and found that they were holding Shi Yao's hand at the same time. Zhou Ziyuan blushed, and quickly let go, Yu Tian didn't say anything, stared at Shi Yao, and said with

concern: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

, a month passed.

Yuan City, Municipal Hospital.

Hua Mingjue lay quietly on a pure white bed. Shi Yao remembered that he used to have a tanned skin, but during the past month of coma, even his lips had turned pale, and he had lost a lot of weight. The hand with the drip looked empty in the sleeve.

Shi Yao came in with a hot water basin, and placed an envelope tied with a red ribbon on the bedside.

"My admission letter has arrived. It's University A in a neighboring city. I heard that there is a strawberry garden in the school. I like it very much." Shi Yao laughed while talking.

She held Hua Mingjue's hand that was exposed outside the quilt, perhaps because of the drip, his hand was cold, she rubbed it lightly, and applied the warm towel on the slightly bony wrist.

Hua Mingjue, when will you wake up?

When Lin Jing walked to the door of the ward, he saw his daughter holding his hand, lying on his chest, motionless, like a quail. He coughed deliberately, pushed the door open and entered.

"Dad?" Shi Yao got up quickly, and couldn't help but glance at Hua Mingjue, "It's still so early, why are you here, aren't you busy today?"

Lin Jing pushed his glasses, pretending that he didn't see anything just now: "Has he had an illness in the past week?"

Shi Yao frowned: "One time last night."

In the past month, Master Luo's medicine It tortured Hua Mingjue from time to time, at first he was just sweating all over his body, and he could endure it, but recently the symptoms seemed to become more intense, once he had an attack, it was like being fished out of the water, and he couldn't stop convulsing.

It was the same last night, when Shi Yao was about to feed him the medicine, just in time for his illness to flare up, it seemed that because he was unconscious, he couldn't help humming, and the pain was so painful that he wanted to bang his head against the wall. Fortunately, Shi Yao quickly stopped her.

She hugged Hua Mingjue's upper body tightly, pressed his head to his chest, and massaged his temples to relieve the pain. But she also knew that there was very little she could do to help him, and he still had to endure it on his own.

The scene of last night was still vivid in his memory, Shi Yao looked worried. Lin Jing rubbed her daughter's head and stuffed a small medicine bottle into her hand: "This is a soothing agent newly developed by the research institute. It is made according to the original formula of the synergist. It is harmless to the human body after testing. , but I don’t know if it will work for him.”

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