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Chapter 26 His news

has stimulated Shi Yao too much in the past few hours. When she returned home, she felt as if dozens of pianos were playing the dance of the wild bee together in her mind. The excitement hit her dizzy of.

However, the grotesques in these heads disappeared immediately after they opened the door and saw Lin Jing. Lin Jing was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for her. The warm orange floor lamp illuminated the man as a silhouette.

"Dad, why are you still up?" She walked over lightly, and saw a computer on Lin Jing's lap, as if she was looking up some information.

Lin Jing raised his head when he heard the words, with tired eyes in his eyes: "I just came back, and I didn't tell my family." "I'm

sorry, I will tell you next time." Shi Yao replied obediently.

Lin Jing looked at his daughter who was slightly taller in front of him, and he knew in his heart that Shi Yao only seemed to be well-behaved and sensible, but in fact he was very stubborn. She had her own way of doing things, and she belonged to the type that could not be said deeply.

The child has grown up, Lin Jing didn't intend to say anything more, so he patted Shi Yao, "Go back to sleep, don't worry your mother and me next time." Shi Yao nodded obediently,

and was about to leave, but was suddenly held down by Lin Jing Shoulder. "Wait a minute." Lin Jing's hand accidentally brushed the back of her neck, and then he became serious, because he found that his daughter's glands were burning hot.

"What did you do?"

"Ah?" Shi Yao was taken aback. Lin Jing was usually gentle, but when he was angry, he was cold and severe, and he was very capable of bluffing. Shi Yao's heart sank, and she thought that it would be better to tell the whole story in exchange for a more frank and lenient confession. Isn't it just that she found a computer tutor outside, and she was still diligent and studious.

"Actually, I..."

"You haven't reached puberty this month, why did you release pheromones just now?"

"Huh?" Shi Yao was stunned, never expecting that Lin Jing was asking about this, "How do you know?" ?”

Her eyes shifted slightly, and she saw Lin Jing’s computer page that hadn’t entered hibernation. It seemed to be a long dissertation, but she could clearly see the word synergist.

She couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Ever since she went to the hospital in a sudden estrus, Lin Jing seemed to have been busy with the research of synergists. If she cared a little bit about her father, it would not be difficult to find that he has been a little emaciated recently. But... During this period of time, Shi Yao was preoccupied with other things.

The daughter's face was a little hot, and she held her father's hand and tried to get away with being coquettish and cute, but she didn't expect that this trick would not work well.

Lin Jing spoke on fire: "It seems that I didn't make it clear to you last time that the harm of synergists to the human body is long-lasting and irreversible. You must control your pheromones and not release them at will, otherwise, you will become a pheromone. A lunatic who falls into passion anytime, anywhere."

His tone was heavy, and Shi Yao was a little at a loss for a moment, she thought to herself, so the dizzy feeling in her head just now was not caused by successive stimulations, but rather It's related to pheromones...

Lin Jing sighed and rubbed Shi Yao's head: "Father is also worried about you, remember, just because you can go home safely this time doesn't mean you can do it next time, your pheromones are artificially enhanced Yes, once you release it, you will easily overwhelm the naturally differentiated Alpha, and that feeling will make you addicted, and in your current situation, it is most forbidden to stimulate the glands frequently." "What if the other party is a Beta

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