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Chapter 33 Choose

Yu Tian to pat Shi Yao on the shoulder, showing an expression of exhaustion, yawning and going back to the room to sleep.

Shi Yao was blowing the wind in the corridor for a while, she originally wanted to calm down, but when she stood there, her mind was full of Hua Mingjue lying on the bed with pink skin. Tsk, I didn't see it before, it would be terrible if the straight A got up. Shi Yao blushed and muttered, and took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket. It was the medicine Lin Jing gave Shi Yao to help her suppress pheromones.

After dry swallowing a pill, Shi Yao felt much more awake. She went back into the house, laboriously bandaging the wound of a sleeping man.

Hua Mingjue had a rare good night's sleep, and when he woke up, it was already daylight. He felt a tightness in his chest, and when he looked down, he saw a hairy head.

At this moment, the two embraced each other, Shi Yao was tightly hugging Hua Mingjue's waist, and was sleeping soundly with her head buried in his chest. The warm touch spread to her body through the thin cotton pajamas, Hua Mingjue was startled, and quickly let go of Shi Yao's arms.

Shi Yao was woken up by the rustling sound, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Hua Mingjue was holding her sleeves like a thief, and she didn't know how to get out from between those two arms quietly. He looked really confused.

"Cough, woke up so early?" Shi Yao got up from the quilt, saw Hua Mingjue's ears suddenly flushed from the corner of his eye, and he looked away abruptly, as if he didn't know where to look.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, so Shi Yao simply hid in the bathroom: "I'll take a shower first, you can sleep for a while." There was the

sound of splashing water in the bathroom, Hua Mingjue heaved a sigh of relief, turned over and sat up, he couldn't possibly sleep again. After yesterday's chaotic day, he felt much better, his passion seemed to have been stabilized, his hands and feet were not as weak as before, and—Hua Mingjue lifted his shirt to look—he had a circle around his waist. The bandages were wrapped neatly and neatly, and it seemed that they had been treated seriously and carefully.

Rubbing the gauze with his fingertips, the name Shi Yao seemed to be firmly attached to his heart. Hua Mingjue couldn't help thinking: What did she look like when she was sitting in front of the bed and carefully bandaging herself last night?

He could almost imagine Shi Yao's expression, she must have pursed her mouth, frowned slightly, and her eyes were fixed on... Cough, anyway, it's just the same expression as when she was doing math problems when she was a child. Hua Mingjue rubbed his chin uncomfortably, and accidentally touched the wound on the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help hissing, he was annoyed, he shouldn't have slept so deeply last night, otherwise, he could have watched Shi Yao bandage himself, Then remember her real expression.

Hua Mingjue pressed the tip of his tongue against his mouth, tasted the bitter medicine, and just as he was thinking, the bathroom door swung open. He suddenly sat up straight for no reason, and saw Shi Yao walking out with wet hair and a small white dress. This seemingly everyday scene made him a little dazed until Shi Yao walked in front of him.

"You..." Hua Ming didn't know what to say, five years was enough to kill a couple with nothing in common. Just when he was so nervous and embarrassed that his palms were sweating, Shi Yao said: "Look." She raised her hair, revealing her fair and slender neck, Hua Mingjue's brows twitched slightly, and she was stunned.

A silver chain protruded from the black hair. It was a thin hollow chain with a light blue drop-shaped pendant hanging in front of it.

The necklace was very old and gray, and looked too cheap on the girl's neck.

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