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Chapter 17 Crisis

"Have you heard? Brother Jue's father was detained by the police station." " What? Brother Jue got his father

into the police station?"

Shut him up at the police station."

"Brother Jue is really ah."


The cafeteria was bustling with each other, Yu Tian snickered: "That's how the rumors came about." Shi Yao picked a broccoli pickily with chopsticks, and said casually: "It's going to be a holiday right now. Everyone is very restless, so we have to gossip." "

But... I really didn't expect anyone to be able to make a living." Yu Tian was still very thrilled when she recalled what happened that day. At that time, she was waiting downstairs with a dazed expression on her face, when she saw Shi Yao running over nervously with a pale face, the first thing she said was to tell her to call the police. This is the first time Yu Tian has dealt with the police uncle in her thirteen years of life.

Hearing Yu Tian talking about this, Shi Yao raised her head and looked around, but no one was paying attention to them, so she continued to poke the broccoli, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell me, he still wants to save face." A broccoli was tied up

. Shi Yao also completely lost the desire to eat, she put down her chopsticks and sighed: "My mother said that Hua Mingjue's custody right now is with his father, and he is not differentiated and needs a guardian. I guess he won't be locked up for a few days It will be released."

"Ah?" Yu Tian was surprised, "Then what if his father got worse? Does Brother Jue have any other relatives?"

Shi Yao moved her eyes, turned her gaze away again, her small face showed displeasure Melancholy at this age: "It should be gone."

She thought of Teacher Zhang's words.

In the morning, she was called to the office by the teacher, and she was quietly wiping tears as soon as she entered the door. Middle-aged women have fine lines around their eyes, and they look even more gloomy when they cry. When she saw Shi Yao, she asked her to close the door and come over to sit.

Zhang Rong seemed quite regretful, and blamed herself for not understanding the situation of the students well. She babbled a lot, and it was only then that Shi Yao found out that Hua Mingjue was a transfer student.

Originally, according to his grades, he was going to study in the key city of Linshi. The competition in that school was more fierce, and Tengyuan No. 3 Middle School was a bit far behind.

Shi Yao recalled the time when he first met Hua Mingjue, his expression was always gloomy, he looked like he couldn't wake up in class, his body always had scars from various "fights", and he still smoked

... There is no sign of a good student at all, but he turned out to be a hidden top student.

Shi Yao was depressed, the transfer student had no historical grades, no wonder Yu Tian couldn't find his ranking at the beginning, and she actually regarded him as a bad student just based on those superficial things, she suddenly felt very sad guilty conscience.

"Then why..." Shi Yao hesitated to ask, Zhang Rong knew what she wanted to ask just by looking at her expression.

Teacher Zhang sighed: "You want to ask why he came to our school? Alas, he is also quite pitiful. When he was born, his mother passed away because of dystocia. At that time, his father was in a bad state of mind, and his grandparents died I took him back to my own home to raise him until he graduated from elementary school... Then his grandparents also left, and he was alone, so he went back to his only caregiver, but he didn't expect his father to be such a person It

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