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Chapter 39 Hua Zhen

Shiyao cooperated with Lu Xi, and Lu Xi's endless instructions came from the earphones.

In the hotel, Lu Xi is rare and serious. There are three computers in front of him, working at the same time. On one screen are dozens of monitoring screens, large and small, and the other computer displays the architectural structure diagram of the intersection in full screen. On Rufei's platform, there are strings of incomprehensible codes.

He wants to help Shi Yao crack the anti-theft system of the intersection.

Stepping into the node again, Hua Mingjue felt that the coldness seemed to penetrate directly into the bone crevice, as if there was a pair of eyes watching and watching behind him all the time.

"Hey, why are you dawdling? There is a staff member on the second floor heading towards you. Hurry up and hide." Lu Xi's lazy voice came from the headset, Hua Mingjue frowned slightly, and hid in the wall back.

He has been at the intersection for five years, he is familiar with every corner here, and he also knows how to get to his destination as soon as possible - the abandoned garbage disposal room on the second basement floor. What time did the security guards patrol the building, what time did the staff on each floor start to work, from Lord Luo's living time to each intern, he had already figured out their working hours and schedules.

He didn't want to leave this cage for a day, and he didn't intend to rely on anyone's strength at all.

Therefore, Hua Mingjue felt very strange, in his opinion, he didn't need Lu Xi's help at all.

When the sound of that person's footsteps faded away, Hua Mingjue, like a swimming fish, quickly moved to the side stairs by sticking to the wall. The signboard of the fire escape was emitting a faint green light, and just as he was about to lift his foot, he heard Lu Xi's instructions.

"You can go around to the left, you don't need to take the fire exit."

Lu Xi's voice was calm, as if he just mentioned it in passing, Hua Mingjue hesitated a little, but acted according to his words. Indeed, there are many ways to go to the utility room, and the narrow path on the left may be safer. While raising his whole body vigilance and heading towards the goal, he couldn't help but think about it. He always felt that something was wrong... There seemed to be too few security guards?


Shi Yao squatted in the fire escape for a while, but seeing no noise, she moved to the bottom of the stairs, and took out from her pocket some chewing gum-like things that Lu Xi gave her, which were plastic bombs. At the beginning, she just put forward a hypothesis, but she didn't expect that Lu Xi is an activist, and he really got this kind of stuff for her.

While sticking the urinals on the back of the stairs, Shi Yao sighed in her heart, she only knew that Lu Xi was a computer genius, he was young and frivolous and liked to challenge some exciting things, but she really didn't expect that Lu Xi could even do such things Come. Maybe... Shi Yao couldn't help but smiled shortly, maybe Zhou Ziyuan's father was a strong backer.

Lu Xi on the other side of the earphones naturally also heard this sudden laugh, he kept moving his hands, and his mouth was not idle: "What are you laughing at? What are you thinking. Let me tell you, this time I have already You can't go back on what you promised me." After

Lu Xi finished speaking, he couldn't help but sighed. Although he was proficient in computers, it would be like entering no one's land if he invaded any safety net, but unfortunately, he couldn't invade people's brains. Otherwise, Shi Yao's memory must be completely deleted!

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