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Chapter 37 Decision

Shi Yao's emotions were agitated, and she unconsciously released pheromones. The sweet smell seemed to seep into Hua Mingjue's bone marrow. He hugged Shi Yao tightly, and couldn't help moaning.

That sound doesn't sound like enjoyment.

"What's wrong?" Shi Yao finally realized something, and looked at it carefully from a distance. Hua Mingjue frowned deeply, his arms tensed and trembled slightly, as if he was enduring something.

"There was something wrong with you just now, what's wrong with you?" Shi Yao became a little anxious. Hua Mingjue couldn't figure it out himself, he just felt that as the smell of Shi Yao's milk tea became stronger, the burning pain in his body became more scorching.

Shi Yao lightly pressed his waist, and said with concern: "Is it this knife wound? I saw it when I bandaged it before, but I didn't ask you."

Hua Mingjue shook his head: "No...that's the old wound. It's a scar, it's fine."

Shi Yao moved her lips, but didn't speak. She clearly remembered that when Hua Mingjue was unconscious, she wiped his body with warm water, and when he touched the old scar, he shivered in pain. It is obviously a scar that cannot touch water.

See, he just likes to be brave and hide.

Shi Yao probed to look at Yu Tian and Zhou Ziyuan in the distance, thinking, since they are taking care of Lu Xi anyway, they don't need anything from me.

After making up her mind, she suddenly said seriously to the person in front of her: "Hua Mingjue, I'm going to teach you a truth today." The

person who barely endured the discomfort raised his head in a daze, raised his eyebrows slightly and gave a questioning look. Before he got the answer, he felt his body lighten, and Shi Yao hugged him horizontally!

"Hey, can you do it? Don't hold on!" Hua Mingjue was in pain and embarrassed, and didn't even know where to put his hands for a moment. Shi Yao, on the other hand, was a little annoyed: "This is what I want to tell you, don't hold back! From now on, don't pretend to be in front of me!"

Shi Yao spent a lot of effort, and finally hugged Hua Mingjue into the next to him. In the rest room, under the surprised gazes of a few people, he went straight to the bed in the small infirmary, and pulled the curtain on the bed with a "crash".

Hua Mingjue was knocked all the way by her, a little dazed, but he held Shi Yao's trembling hand, and laughed, "I told you to be brave, are you exhausted?"

"It's you!" Shi Yao looked at his pale face, and couldn't help feeling distressed. "Wait, I'll call you a doctor."

Seaside attractions are generally equipped with infirmaries, and some tourists who have been stung by jellyfish or suffer from heat stroke will be sent here. So, when the doctor heard Shi Yao's description of his illness at first, he almost subconsciously judged it as heatstroke. However, when he saw Hua Mingjue, his expression turned solemn.

"The pupils of the eyes are slack, the reaction to external stimuli is not obvious, and the whole body continues to have dull pain accompanied by a burning sensation..." The doctor muttered something, and looked at Shi Yao suspiciously: "Little girl, your friend hasn't taken any medicine?

" Medicine?" Shi Yao looked confused, but she had a bad premonition in her heart.

The doctor nodded. This symptom is very similar to some kind of drug addiction. To be specific, a blood test is required.

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