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Chapter 12 Disappointment

The final exam is coming soon, Yao came to school early in the morning, after so many exams, she was a little nervous for the first time. Zhou Ziyuan also came early, he saw Shi Yao from a distance and walked towards her.

"What a coincidence." Zhou Ziyuan caught up with Shi Yao in a few steps, "How's your review going?"

Shi Yao cursed at the awkward opening remarks, but she still politely smiled and replied, "It's okay, how about you?

" This kind of perfunctory question and answer couldn't last for a few rounds, but Zhou Ziyuan felt a little shy when he heard Shi Yao's question. He glanced to the side and whispered, "This time... I studied more seriously than before."

Shi Yao looked at him in surprise, feeling that the topic was not good, she said haha, wanted to quickly skip this topic, and silently complained in her heart why she was not in class yet.

Shi Yao said casually: "Why are you nervous, Hua Mingjue can't possibly pass you."

"You really think so?" Zhou Ziyuan's eyes widened a little, and his fair face was stained a little red.

Shi Yao was a little speechless, she still had to think about it, Zhou Ziyuan was in the top 20 in his grade, Hua Mingjue... Let's count down, he is really interesting, comparing his grades with the count down.

Just as Shi Yao nodded perfunctorily, someone grabbed her ponytail suddenly.

"Nod your head and try." A familiar voice sounded from behind, Shi Yao trembled in fright.

Hua Mingjue walked over with a gloomy face, and said to Zhou Ziyuan: "Little white face, what are you trying to get up to?

" Feeling that his rebuttal seemed a bit weak, he muttered: "You're just a shameless face."

Hua Ming decided to ignore him, and pulled Shi Yao away: "Hurry up. After today's exam, you will be mine."

" The tone is not small." Zhou Ziyuan complained in a low voice, and walked towards the examination room angrily.

The final exams are arranged according to the previous grades, and there is a clear distinction between good students and poor students. Shi Yao's exam room was basically filled with students from his class, while Hua Mingjue's exam room was filled with bastards, after all, it was the worst exam room.

At the beginning of the exam, half of the students in Hua Mingjue's classroom were directly absent, and the rest of the few were sleeping, fishing for fish, and someone blindfolded the multiple-choice questions with a few answers. , Even the invigilator yawned.

Only Hua Mingjue, sitting in such an examination room, was actually answering the questions. The invigilator was a little surprised. He walked up to him several times, but he was embarrassed to say it directly. He just scanned up and down with his eyes, wanting to see where he put the cheat sheet, but unfortunately he returned in vain.

The invigilator is also the head teacher of the first grade. The third class he leads is the best in the ordinary class, but there is a key class above him. No matter how hard he works, his performance is not as good as that of Teacher Zhang. He also wanted to lead key classes, but with Mr. Zhang around, he would never be able to take his turn.

He wanted to catch Teacher Zhang's mistakes for a long time.

So, before the exam started in the afternoon, the invigilator stood on the podium and opened the test papers, and beat the students with words: "Some students don't think about cheating. The exam is to see your true level. What's the use of cheating to get the first place? Can you take the first place in the high school entrance examination?"

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