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Chapter 14 The Truth In

Teacher Zhang's office, Shi Yao is standing in front of the head teacher's desk holding Hua Mingjue's two test papers.

"Do you think he didn't plagiarize?" Teacher Zhang is an English teacher, and he didn't jump to conclusions lightly after looking at the test papers of mathematics and Chinese. Shi Yao first turned the Chinese test paper to reading comprehension, and pointed to Hua Mingjue's answer to compare with the standard answer given by the teacher: "The standard answer teacher said in class, most of the students also answered the questions according to this routine, but Hua Mingjue The test paper is completely a way of answering questions based on personal understanding, such as this question."

Her fingertips moved to a divergent question, "The article described the clouds in the sky several times, endowing the clouds with extremely rich color changes, Please analyze what is the author's intention for this arrangement?"

Shi Yao took out her test paper, and she only got half of the score for that question, but she didn't feel ashamed, and analyzed it with the teacher: "I read the test papers of a few people, everyone The answers are similar to mine, and we only got half of the marks, because we overthink according to the usual routine."

Teacher Zhang looked at Shi Yao's test paper, there was a small blank space, and she wrote densely packed words, what different colors represent. It expresses the author's different states of mind, and expresses his emotional transition from sadness to joy. What white represents the purity of childhood, and pink represents the throbbing of youth, blah blah blah.

Teacher Zhang frowned and muttered: "Isn't this a good answer? Why is it only half a mark?" Looking at Hua Mingjue's test paper, the teacher's brows suddenly relaxed, and his eyes widened in disbelief: "This That's the answer?"

Shi Yao nodded: "Yes, that's the answer."

On Hua Mingjue's test paper, there were only a few words: it means the passage of time.

Teacher Zhang was a little speechless. Shi Yao was afraid that she would not believe her, so she quickly found out the standard answer. The standard answer was also full of hype, but the central idea was really the same as Hua Mingjue.

"Teacher, if you only look at the Chinese and math scores, Hua Mingjue has the highest score. He can't have copied other students. If it is like some people said, he got the standard answer, but his answering method is not according to the routine. , Chinese is fine, but he doesn't use the solution method in the answer to the math problem at all."

Shi Yao frowned slightly, and said very seriously: "Unless there is a ghost who is particularly good at studying and reads the answers to him, he will not be able to answer this test paper." Teacher Zhang burst out laughing

. She patted Shi Yao on the shoulder kindly, and put the test paper into her drawer: "The teacher knows, you did a good job, Hua Ming never said much before, and I am also anxious to ask his father to help educate the child, Just let him go home, now that I think about it, the teacher didn't fulfill his responsibility, you go back to class first, I'll go to the teaching director to help adjust the monitoring, if it proves that he didn't plagiarize, let him come back quickly." Shi Yao

hesitated For a moment, his eyes dodged a little, and he said in a low voice: "If he didn't plagiarize...I will apologize to him."

Teacher Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Okay, then the teacher will also apologize to him."

Shi Yao walked to the class Her pace was almost brisk, and she herself was also surprised. After studying Hua Mingjue's background, she was stunned after carefully studying his test paper. This way of solving problems seemed to be a few grades higher than theirs. After reading the test paper She already firmly believed that Hua Ming never plagiarized.

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