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Chapter 4 Band-Aid

Shi Yao followed Yu Tian and kept running, her heart beating like a bunny, she didn't know if it was because of nervousness or something else. After all, the idea of ​​someone fighting over her sounded so far-fetched that she hadn't thought about it before.

From a distance, Shi Yao saw a lot of people gathered around the school gate, although it was the end of school time, but the people didn't move around, the ground of the school gate seemed to be glued, sticking everyone who passed by to the ground.

"Hey, the protagonist is here." Someone yelled, and the people in front of Shi Yao voluntarily gave way, and Shi Yao suddenly saw Hua Mingjue who was riding on someone else and was throwing his fist down.

Hua Mingjue also saw Shi Yao, and the two looked at each other briefly. Shi Yao saw a flash of panic in his eyes, and immediately lowered her fist.

"You are Shi Yao?" A boy with dyed yellow hair leaned over, looked up and down, and said in a frivolous tone, "It's really pretty, no wonder it fascinates our boss." "Your boss?" Shi

Yao Yao was a little apprehensive of this kind of young man who was out of society, and took a slight step back. But before the young man could say anything, Hua Mingjue had already run over in three steps at a time, grabbing his collar and throwing him aside.

Hua Mingjue's eyes were ferocious, and he yelled at the yellow hair: "Don't give up, get out with your boss!" Shi

Yao was startled, watching the yellow hair lead a few brothers to lift up the man who had just been killed on the ground. The boss, whose nose was bruised and face swollen from the beating, left in despair. She was at a loss, and pieced together the original appearance of the matter from the gossip of the people around her.

The one who was beaten up just now was a well-known gangster in this area, called Boss Wei, who dropped out of school in the third year of junior high school and wandered around in this generation. In the past three or four years, he has taken in many younger brothers, and he has the aura of a gang boss. In the past, he liked to take his brothers around the schools in this neighborhood, and the students he liked would attack them.

Recently, Boss Wei had just differentiated into an Alpha, and he was impatient, hungry and thirsty. One day, he happened to pass by Tengyuan No. 3 Middle School and saw Shi Yao after school.

The little girl was wearing a blue and white school uniform, clean and beautiful. The setting sun painted her porcelain-white face pink, and the ponytail tied into a bunch trembled with her steps, which was indescribably tantalizing.

So, Boss Wei said that he would get this little girl sooner or later.

After all, they are all young people dawdling around, Hua Mingjue's little follower heard the news somewhere, and remembered that his boss seemed to be having a fight with his deskmate, so he told him about it. The little follower originally wanted to make Hua Mingjue happy, but every time he saw Shi Yao, he put on a bad face, but unexpectedly, before the little follower finished speaking, Hua Mingjue's expression changed. There was no class anymore, but in the end he managed to get Mr. Wei out and clean up at the school gate.

The little follower tremblingly watched his boss beat up other bosses like chickens, and his admiration for him increased to a higher level. After all, Boss Wei was quite strong and older than them all. I heard that Also differentiated into the strongest sex. Being able to deal with such a person so that he can't fight back, Hua Mingjue will surely differentiate into the strongest Alpha in the future.

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