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Chapter 28 By accident,

I got off the high-speed rail and had to transfer to a car for a certain distance. Shi Yao and the others chartered a medium chartered car and drove directly to the destination. Yu Tian was very excited, her favorite university was in this city, and she had been in a state of excitement since getting off the high-speed rail.

There were seven people in the medium chartered car, including the driver, and they had a lively chat. For them who had just graduated from high school, the freedom at this moment was boundless. They were larks just out of the cage. Sing well.

But Shi Yao remained silent. She was wearing a white woven straw hat and a long white dress suitable for taking pictures at the beach, and she was well-dressed as if she was looking forward to going to the beach early. But Zhou Ziyuan, who had been watching her secretly, knew that she didn't want to look at the sea at all.

"Why did you suddenly propose to come here?" Zhou Ziyuan leaned forward slightly, and whispered to Shi Yao who was sitting in the front seat. Shi Yao tilted her head slightly, her thin face and sharp chin were reflected in the car window. She smiled, but her voice was brisk: "You don't want me to come?"

Zhou Ziyuan quickly retorted, but felt that she had reacted too much, and her ears turned red from embarrassment for a while.

Yu Tian on the side watched all directions and listened to all directions. While talking nonsense, she paid attention to Shi Yao's movements. Seeing Zhou Ziyuan's cowardly behavior, she wished she could go up and serve as the head unit in person. She cursed secretly in her heart, trash Zhou Ziyuan In the past five years, he has only grown tall, but not courageous.

Yu Tian recalled what Shi Yao said to herself on the phone last night. Shi Yao's tone sounded very determined at that time, and she was so unfamiliar that she didn't look like her. She said: "Some people are like a shooting star, from your life It passed by in an instant, will people feel sorry for not catching the shooting star?"

"No way." Yu Tian didn't know what to say, so she could only agree, but she immediately heard Shi Yao's laughter.

When Shi Yao spoke again, her voice was a little gentler, and Yu Tian could almost imagine the expression she raised her head slightly when she spoke, "But I will." Shi Yao said, "Because that meteor has already granted the wish I made. , but ran away with my wish, I must, capture it."

In the car, Yu Tian rubbed her nose, and for some reason she felt a chill in the hot summer of June.


Hua Mingjue returned to his dormitory. He had just finished taking today's medicine. Although Master Luo said that the medicine was a physical enhancer, it was impossible for him to believe Master Luo's nonsense. Every time he finished playing, he would feel very tired and sleepy, especially today, not only did he feel that his limbs were so heavy that he could hardly lift them, he even felt dizzy.

He simply took a shower and was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was hasty and rude, since Hua Mingjue was promoted by Lord Luo to be the general manager of the intersection, no one had dared to knock on his door like this for a long time.

With an ominous frown on his face, Hua Mingjue opened the door with the white shirt and black trousers on his gloves, "What's the matter?

" , obviously this kid tried his best to please Hua Mingjue for the sake of his superiors before, but today he stood outside the door with a haughty look, "Master Luo is looking for you, and I want you to go now." Hua

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