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Chapter 36 Frankly,

the sea was originally clear and the sky was clear, but at this time, the clouds gradually gathered for some reason, and many people stood on the shore and looked around anxiously. Shi Yao and Yu Tian and Zhou Ziyuan also hurried over, but Shi Yao is a landlubber, so he can only be in a hurry.

Hua Mingjue knew how to swim, he avoided waves and approached Lu Xi like a fish. The wind and waves on the sea were getting stronger, Lu Xi didn't know what was going on, he was fine just now, but now he was ups and downs with the waves, and he saw a lot of water choking.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Hua Mingjue narrowly avoided the whirlpool and grabbed Lu Xi's neck.

Shi Yao's heart was half relieved, her eyes fixed on Hua Mingjue in the storm. With the sea as the background, he looked so small and vulnerable, Shi Yao's tightly clenched palms were sweating, it was the first time she was so panic-stricken, she didn't know what she could do.

Suddenly, a huge wave turned over, and Hua Mingjue and Lu Xi were slapped under the thick water wall together. "Hua Mingjue!" Shi Yao raised her throat and couldn't help shouting, Yu Tian hugged her, and several pairs of eyes fixed on that place together.

There was no movement for a long time, and the people around began to commotion: "It's over, the drowning person may have passed out, and the rescuer must drag him, maybe he has no strength." Are you delaying things?" "So to speak, the rescuers haven't arrived yet! If it's a little later, both of them will be gone!" Shi

Yao's heart was pounding, and her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

"Shi Yao! Are you okay?" Yu Tian was extremely anxious, but she could only comfort her with pale words, "The two of them will definitely come back, don't worry!"

Shi Yao's face turned pale, as if she couldn't listen at all. Zhou Ziyuan looked at Shi Yao, then at the rough dark sea, took off his shirt after a moment of hesitation, frowned and was about to rush into the sea: "I'll go and have a look." "No!" Yu Tian suddenly grabbed Zhou Ziyuan and

shouted Voice.

Yu Tian's overly nervous reaction startled Zhou Ziyuan, he stared at Yu Tian in a daze, not knowing what to say for a long time.

The sea waves are getting bigger and bigger.

Shi Yao was still staring at the sea, she was almost about to pray. Great fear gripped her heart. At this moment, she felt that the person submerged in the sea was herself.

The panic in my heart gradually spread, and a voice amplified in my heart: I will lose him. I will... lose Hua Mingjue!

Shi Yao was once again shrouded in a familiar sense of powerlessness, just like when Hua Mingjue left without saying a word. But this time it was more intense and made her panic even more.

If he was swallowed by the sea like this, what could she do? Can I just watch with my eyes helplessly?

Thinking of this, Shi Yao couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up shaking her legs, and almost rushed into the sea. Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the water near the shore, and immediately after, Hua Mingjue dragged Lu Xi out of the sea with a "crash".

Shi Yao suddenly gasped out of the breath that was choking her. Immediately afterwards, the nose was sour and the eyes swelled.

"Here it is!"

"Oh, it seems that both of them are fine."

"Young man is doing well!"

"Where's the medical team, hurry up and save people!"

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