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There are still a few people in the pheromone alley, the one in the innermost one heard the noise and turned around, Shi Yao suddenly recognized him, it was the Boss Wei that Hua Mingjue beat up before! Her heart sank immediately.

The person carrying Shi Yao put her down, and several people in the narrow alley immediately blocked the exit and surrounded her. Shi Yao took a few steps back until her back was pressed against the brick wall, she said tremblingly, "I... my friends are right behind, they will definitely look for me if they find me missing." Boss Wei laughed out loud

. , he frowned, with a tone of tone, he pinched Shi Yao's chin with his hand in his pocket all the time: "Your friend? Do you know the difference between an adult and an undifferentiated child?" Shi

Yao His chin was so painful from being pinched, the hand hanging by his side was cold, and he was sweating coldly in winter, but his throat was choked and he couldn't make a sound.

But she felt a smell, the pungent smell of smoke emanating from the person in front of her pinching her, Shi Yao's hairs stood on end, and she instinctively felt a nausea. She suddenly remembered that this person was an Alpha that had already completed differentiation.

Alpha is the strongest of the three acquired genders, and has a natural deterrent effect on undifferentiated children, especially immediate relatives. Shi Yao's heart was pounding, thinking about how to escape.

However, the more she didn't want to care about the smell of pheromones, the more obvious the smell of e-liquid became.

The smell seemed to condense into substance, squeezing over overwhelmingly, Shi Yao felt like a bug trapped in resin, it was difficult to breathe, and her body became heavy. She grabbed Boss Wei's hand with difficulty and tried to tear him away, but her strength was like a fly shaking a tree, and it didn't work at all.

Shi Yao sensed his strong Alpha pheromone, and she was almost unbelievable: "You...how could you be in a public place...this will cause a riot!"

Boss Wei smiled strangely, glanced at the people around him, The man immediately understood, and opened the small box that he had been carrying. Shi Yao saw him take out a small syringe.

The needle tip reflected silver light, Shi Yao couldn't help but flinch, but the man directly pierced the syringe into Boss Wei's neck with glands. Shi Yao opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"It's not the time when I just split up and don't understand anything." After injecting the unknown liquid, Boss Wei looked at Shi Yao with greedy eyes, "Now, I can turn on pheromones for you, little sister, how about it, Does brother smell good?" Following the words, Boss Wei's chubby head and swollen face approached Shi Yao, making her sick with goosebumps.

Pheromone targeting? What kind of medical progress is this, Shi Yao has never heard of it, could it be related to the things he injected?

Before she had time to think too much, Boss Wei had already started tearing Shi Yao's clothes impatiently. Shi Yao obviously felt that the disgusting smell of smoke oil was getting stronger and stronger, and she seemed to have stronger control than before. She guessed that the tube of liquid might It has the effect of strengthening Alpha.

Seeing that the coat was torn off, Shi Yao kicked Boss Wei with all her strength: "Get out!", taking advantage of the wretched man covering his crotch and screaming, she squatted like a fish and slipped under his arm out.

Shi Yao wanted to run, but the pungent pheromone made her stagger a little, but when she looked up at the people around her, it seemed that she was the only one who reacted so strongly, and everyone else looked normal. Isn't he lying? Can pheromones really be directed?

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