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Chapter 5 Worrying

that Shi Yao is a bit strange, Hua Mingjue hasn't come to school these days. The final exam is one month away, why is he missing at this time?

Today it was Shi Yao's turn to be on duty, so Yu Tian went home alone, there was no one in the classroom, Shi Yao dawdly wiped the blackboard in the setting sun, scratching back and forth with the rag, as if not distracted.

This is the last job, and she is going home after finishing, Shi Yao subconsciously looked at the empty seat next to her, there are several days of papers and practice questions piled up on his desk, and they haven't been written yet. Do you want to put it away for him...

She remembered what she heard when she went to the teacher's office to hand in homework in the morning. Teacher Zhang complained to other teachers while grading the papers: "Don't mention it, there is a problem student in our class this year, just forget it if you don't listen well. In the past two days, I actually skipped class. I called his house several times but no one answered. I was so anxious that I had several blisters on my lips. You said that if something happened, it would not be the responsibility of the teacher.

A few teachers next to him also echoed: "Yeah, it's not easy to be a teacher these days, anyone can come and criticize you, take care of the children, people think you bullied his big baby, but it doesn't matter what you do You take a key class, but I taught a class at the end of the crane this year, think about it."

Teacher Zhang sighed, shook his head and said, "It's not easy, I see that the child in my class said in the enrollment file He is a single parent, and his mother has passed away. Well, I’d better visit his house after work later. It would be great if I could talk to his father about the child’s current situation. This child really needs to be disciplined by his family. I think he The grades when I entered school..."

Teacher Zhang seemed to want to say something, but when he looked up and saw Shi Yao standing at the door holding a pile of homework, he barely stopped talking. Shi Yao pretended that she didn't hear anything and handed in her homework. Before leaving, she glanced at the homeroom teacher's desktop and saw a string of addresses she had jotted down temporarily. It was an old neighborhood. Although she got off at the same subway station as her, But it is the opposite direction.

Could that be Hua Mingjue's family? While washing the rag in the sink, Shi Yao was thinking endlessly.

Because it was a bit late and there was no one in the school, Shi Yao trotted away with her schoolbag on her back. Dad promised her to make crispy fresh milk tonight, and her heart has already flown home.

The small leather shoes made a rattling sound in the empty corridor, and Shi Yao ran down the corridor with a sullen face. If it was normal, points would be deducted for this. Just as she was passing by the women's bathroom, the collar suddenly tightened, and someone grabbed her by the collar from the inside and dragged her into it.

"Ah!" Shi Yao was tossed and lost her head. The bathroom door slammed shut just in time. She looked up blankly and saw three girls standing in front of her.

"Your name is Shi Yao?" the green eye shadow standing in the middle asked.

"No. 1 in the key class?" asked the navel-baring outfit on the left.

"I heard that Brother Jue likes you?" The tattoo sticker on the right followed.

This is... Looking for something? Seeing the situation in front of her clearly, Shi Yao frowned. She rubbed her sore ankle and stood up: "I'm sorry, I'm rushing home so I don't have time to answer your questions."

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