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Chapter 24 On the first day,

Mr. Zhang is talking about an English reading question about developing a good habit in 30 days. Shi Yao lowered her head and took notes quickly, the small pendant hanging on the pen holder flickered like a tear that was about to fall.

Shi Yao thought, maybe what this reading question says is true, thirty days is enough for a person to form a certain habit. For example, now, she is used to being at the same table with Yu Tian, ​​and the daily fights seem to have not changed much.

She is also used to going to and from school alone, and when she does her homework every night, she will not take out her mobile phone and dial the number that will never get through.

She will no longer look at a dried flower in the page and get red eyes, nor will she wake up in a dream, and then lie with her eyes open until dawn.

Even the traces carved on the stone will disappear after being washed away by running water for a long time, Shi Yao thought, she is already used to that kind of dull pain, and after a while, she will forget her feelings for Hua Mingjue, That boy will become one of the many friends in my life, at most... it will be a bit embarrassing to mention it.

Yu Tian once comforted her, she said: "No one can be with you forever, he can walk away without saying a word, why should you think about him day and night, you can't find him, it means that your fate is only There are so many, don't torture yourself, be more free and easy, life is not only about love."

Seeing Yu Tian's rare serious expression, Shi Yao was amused by this great philosopher.

She felt that what Yu Tian said was right, so she buried those unwillingness and longing deeply in her heart, like burying a seed in the dark mud, the seed quietly took root in the mud, and grew downward in the damp and dark , but the surface is calm, her heart is complete again.

When school was over, Shi Yao said goodbye to Yu Tian, ​​and walked to the subway station alone. There was the sound of hurried footsteps behind her, as if she was running, and then, a slender and powerful hand rested on her shoulder.

Shi Yao's heart skipped a beat and she turned her head.

It's Zhou Ziyuan.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yao asked indifferently when her eyes that had just lit up suddenly darkened. Zhou Ziyuan scratched her head and handed her an invitation card: "I heard from Yu Tian that you are very interested in computers. There is a competition this weekend. Do you want to watch it?"

The card has a black background with gold letters, and a string of codes is printed in the middle. Anyone who has studied computer programs will know that this string of iconic codes translates to "control" in English.

"This...is this the member invitation card of Group K?" Shi Yao was instantly attracted by the small card. She turned the hard paper over and over several times, stretched out her index finger Raised gilding pattern.

Seeing the undisguised surprise in the little girl's eyes, Zhou Ziyuan enjoyed it quite a bit, and couldn't help but raise his chin a little more: "My dad helped me get this quota." "Can you use it for me too?" Shi Yao didn't believe it

. asked. Unexpectedly, Zhou Ziyuan's face flushed "shua", he directly stuffed the card into Shi Yao's hand, turned around and ran away: "Anyway, you just go there when the time comes, and the participants in the competition are all computer experts, the opportunity is rare!" The teenager's tail

sound Floating in the wind tremblingly, Shi Yao held the warm invitation card, the corners of her mouth slightly curved, but her eyes were burning.

Of course she knows about this competition, and she also knows what kind of place K group is. Especially the captain Kyle, Shi Yao saw the text description of his game on the fan forum, and since then started to worship stars like crazy, collecting the game data of the great god everywhere, studying his program... just the text has already made

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