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Chapter 13 When his score

came to that cramped corridor again, Shi Yao felt a little uneasy, and she even regretted it, feeling that she was too impulsive. But... it's all here.

She took a deep breath and politely knocked on the closed door three times. There was a noise in the room, and after a while, the door opened a crack. The living room was dark, only the bathroom was lit with orange light, and there was the sound of rushing water.

"Who are you?" A man asked Shi Yao through the crack of the door with a gloomy face. Shi Yao was caught off guard by a face that was somewhat similar to Hua Mingjue. Her palms were sweating, she squeezed herself hard behind her back, and asked calmly, "Hi Uncle, are you Hua Mingjue's father? I...I'll give him his homework." "Just give it to me.

" .” The man drooped his eyelids and stretched out a hand towards Shi Yao.

Shi Yao instinctively clutched the exercise book tightly, and took a step back: "Uncle, can I talk to Hua Mingjue face to face, I'm afraid he won't know exactly what to write." "No need." The man seemed to have run out of

patience , directly snatched the booklet from Shi Yao, "He doesn't write it anyway."

Shi Yao wanted to say something more, but retreated after meeting the man's straight eyes.

"Then... If he doesn't know anything, you can call me."

The door slammed shut, and Shi Yao realized that her hands behind her back were shaking non-stop. This man is so scary, Shi Yao thought in panic, compared to the gloom that exudes from his bones, Hua Mingjue can be regarded as a sunny boy.

Maybe... Hua Mingjue is taking a shower? Shi Yao walked away step by step. There was no more sound in the corridor, Hua Zhen opened the bathroom door, and threw the homework book all over Hua Mingjue.

The pages of the book were opened, and the thin paper was soaked in water instantly. Hua Mingjue was lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back, his clothes were soaked like the paper. Seeing the homework, his lifeless eyes moved, and he quickly realized who was here just now, but he didn't have the energy to say anything.

Hua Zhen pulled him by the hair to lift him up, and pushed his head into the bathtub filled with water again, Hua Mingjue's body convulsed, his lungs hurt like they were about to explode, and he almost fainted from choking. He was in great pain, hearing his father's demonic whispers of curses.

"I really want to kill you! It would be great if I could exchange your life for Man Ling to come back."

Shi Yao found that every time she went to see Hua Mingjue, she would not sleep well. She had a nightmare last night, so she went to school with dark circles under her eyes in the morning and could only blame it on Hua Mingjue's father. She really didn't want to see that kind of oppressive person again.

She didn't have much energy today, because Hua Mingjue was suspended from class for a week, she felt empty in her heart, even going to school was a bit boring. Sure enough, when I entered the class and saw the empty seat, this feeling of frustration was added.

The subjects for the exam on the first day had already been approved. Before the class, the class representatives handed out the test papers in the class. Shi Yao was absent-minded, she frowned, wondering what Hua Mingjue would be doing at this time.

It wasn't until the class representative put the two test papers on the table next to her that Shi Yao came back to her senses.

She didn't even want to read her own paper, so she spread out Hua Mingjue's math test paper impatiently. When she saw the score, she gasped for breath, 147 points.

She counted twice nervously, and the score was not wrong. She blinked her eyes in a daze, and thought to herself, "Is this the result of his own test?" "

Shi Yao, show me his test paper." Zhou Ziyuan lost her composure as soon as she handed out the test paper, and probed her head. I want to see Hua Mingjue's score. Unexpectedly, Shi Yao withdrew the test paper: "What's the point? He only took the test for one day."

Seeing Shi Yao's actions, Zhou Ziyuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Why? He won't get full marks, right? "

No..." Shi Yao was about to defend herself, but at this moment the class representative also handed out the Chinese test paper.

Zhou Ziyuan went straight to snatch it. Shi Yao didn't even touch the test paper, and it was spread out in front of everyone's eyes.

"Hey! Brother Jue really dares to copy."

"It's an exaggeration to get such a high score in Chinese."

"Did you even bribe the marking teacher?"

It seemed that this test paper relieved everyone's tension, and there were chattering and teasing around, Shi Yao suddenly felt angry, she stretched out her hand to grab the test paper from Zhou Ziyuan, glanced at At a glance, the bright red score of 141 was marked in the middle of the test paper.

With a sullen face, Shi Yao slapped her test paper on the table: "I also scored 140, did I bribe the marking teacher?" The normally

quiet girl suddenly came here, and the surrounding students were a little stunned. Seeing this situation, Yu Tian hurriedly came to smooth things over: "This time Chinese is a routine question, and the scores are generally quite high. I still have more than 110 points in Chinese for this partial subject." After Yu Tian finished speaking happily, she quietly

pulled Pulling Shi Yao's sleeve: "Hey, don't you really think that Hua Mingjue cheated? He admitted it himself." "I didn't see him

admitting it. I always feel...he didn't cheat." Shi Yao lowered her head, Depressed, she thought about what Hua Mingjue asked her that day.

"What if my grades are good? Does that mean I cheated?"

His tone was so cold, and his eyes were so dark. At that time, Shi Yao was only concerned with ignoring the connection between him and the high grades of cheating, and blurted out what shouldn't be said At this time, she was a little embarrassed, and her ears were red with embarrassment.

Thinking about it now, does Hua Mingjue, who asks himself this way, have any expectations for her? Under his cold appearance, is he hiding a little resentment and a little grievance?

Shi Yao looked at Yu Tian, ​​and suddenly said, "I don't think it's possible to get this kind of grade in a month of hard work, and he didn't work hard." "You finally admitted that he cheated." Zhou Ziyuan continued at the back

table Talking and looking a little angry, Shi Yao glanced at his math and Chinese scores of around 120 points, and looked at him again with a little sympathy in her eyes.

Shi Yao: "No, I was skeptical. Maybe you made a wrong decision to compare your grades with him."

The author has something to say:

My updates have always been short, thank you for your understanding~ Thank you for voting for me Overlord ticket or little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for [Bazooka]: Yin Kekan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [Nutrition Solution]:

10 bottles of Blue Bird Bu Chuan; 1 bottle of Silence, ね~ Baiqi Pumice;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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