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The wedding of Yao and Hua Mingjue was held in June when Hua Mingjue graduated from senior year.

The sky at the wedding site was extraordinarily clear, with a few silky thin clouds floating slowly at the end. It was a small hillside, the green grass was like a plush carpet, and the lake was like pure glass. It looked like a fairy tale from a distance. world.

Shi Yao didn't wear the pettiskirt wedding dress that most alpha girls would wear. She chose a lead gray suit and short skirt as the dress. Simple flowers and deep red lips seem to be the only color on her body. She shuttles among the guests, making people's eyes follow her.

Shi Yao was entertaining guests and waiting for Hua Mingjue by the way. They didn't invite too many people, except for Shi Yao's parents, there were only a few classmates and friends of the two of them. On the side of the T-shaped stage covered with pink and blue petals, Shi Yao is chatting with Yu Tian in a cheerful manner.

Yu Tian sat on the seat, propped her face with one hand, the envy in her eyes was undisguised: "Yaoyao, you are going to get married in a blink of an eye, I feel like marrying a daughter." "You will take advantage of this kind of advantage.

" Is it?" Shi Yao scolded her with a smile, she was very happy today, and the curvature of her mouth has not changed.

Yu Tian looked at Shi Yao's flattered look, and shook her head: "Who would have thought that the computer expert who developed the T-2 firewall, the cold and strict professor of University A, would laugh so hard because he married an Omega?" Mouth."

"Don't laugh at me," Shi Yao cast her eyes at Zhou Ziyuan, who was reminiscing with others, and teased with a smile, "I don't believe it, when you marry Xiao Zhou and go home, you can stay calm." Xiao Zhou

... Tian's eyes followed the conversation and looked over there, and saw the tall and straight young man in the crowd, his back was facing Yu Tian, ​​under the sun, a slender neck that was exposed was dazzlingly white.

They have been in a formal relationship for three years. Yu Tian really thought about it before. If Zhou Ziyuan is always thinking about others, she can give up.

But I didn't expect that after she gradually alienated Zhou Ziyuan, that person who was usually high above her would actually come to her work place to block her.

Yu Tian still remembered that it was a rainy night, she was about to call a car home after the evening shift, when suddenly a figure flashed out from the rain curtain. His footsteps were sloppy, his whole body was drenched, his jet-black hair stuck to his face in strands of wet strands, his face became paler, his eyes were resentful, like a water ghost.

"Zhou Ziyuan? Why are you here?" Yu Tian twitched in her heart, but restrained herself from moving. She didn't know what Zhou Ziyuan was thinking.

Zhou Ziyuan didn't speak, the heavy rain seemed to suddenly become noisy, the sound of rain filled the world, Yu Tian froze in place, staring blankly at the person opposite. Only the raindrops counted, and after an unknown amount of time, Zhou Ziyuan finally made a move.

He walked towards Yu Tian unsteadily, and hugged him straight with wetness all over his body. With the cold skin pressed against each other, Zhou Ziyuan almost put his whole body weight on Yu Tian, ​​and he couldn't hide his grievance when he opened his mouth. He said, "

Yu Tian, ​​why are you ignoring me?"

"Yu Tian, ​​you... Don't hate me, okay?"

Shi Yao knew what she was thinking when she looked at Yu Tian's mockup, she knocked on the table to bring people back to her senses: "Don't look, when did you propose to someone? When you dated me But I remember he took the initiative."

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