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Chapter 16 Determining the relationship

Hua Mingjue woke up at three o'clock in the morning in the hospital. The moment he regained consciousness, the pain all over his body surged up together, he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." A hand suddenly scratched at the top of his head, making his bangs poke his eyelids and itch.

Hua Mingjue was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to see Shi Yao laying beside her bed, her posture was awkward, she was in a drowsy sleep, but she patted his head like a habit, muttering: "I'm dreaming again... It's all right."

The pale light in the corridor shines on Shi Yao's face through the glass at the door, the dense eyelashes reflect slightly, her face is swollen by the squeeze of her arms, and her mouth bulges unconsciously when she fell asleep. Hua Mingjue stared at it for a while, feeling a sore throat, as if a little thirsty.

The infusion needle was still buried on the back of his right hand, but he didn't seem to feel it, so he raised his hand and pushed Shi Yao's head to wake her up. The little girl smashed her lips, still a little dazed, her eyes narrowed due to sleepiness, Hua Mingjue couldn't help laughing seeing her like this.

"Brother, you're finally awake." Shi Yao yawned for a long time, and shook her "handcuffed" hands, "Can you untie me?" In the darkness,

Hua Mingjue seemed to pause for breath, Then he let go of his hand immediately.

"Thirsty." His voice was hoarse, but he managed to arouse people skillfully. Shi Yao curled her lips at the person who covered herself in the quilt, and went to get a glass of warm water without complaint.

When he came back again, Hua Mingjue had already got up and sat by the bed, looking at the busy Shi Yao with heavy eyes, he reached out to take the cup, but Shi Yao refused to give it, and asked him to change the hand that didn't have the needle buried. Normally, Hua Mingjue would definitely do the opposite, but this time he obediently changed his left hand to hold it.

The warm water soothed some of the pain. Hua Mingjue drank the water quickly, but held the paper cup in his hand and did not move.

Shi Yao thought he was hungry, so she opened the thermos by the bed: "Would you like something to eat? This is the pork rib soup stewed by my father, it's still warm." She was about to pour the soup into the bowl when she suddenly stopped Suddenly, he looked at Hua Mingjue with some embarrassment, "Uh...your father is in the police station now, I ask my parents to keep an eye on this matter, you..."

Shi Yao wanted to ask him what he thought, and if he would be sad, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that they were all nonsense, and he really couldn't ask them. The atmosphere was a little tense for a while, only the lively taste of the pork rib soup wafted through the whole room.

Hua Mingjue's stomach growled.

"Give it to me." Hua Mingjue stretched out his hand to Shi Yao, Shi Yao was thankful that he skipped the topic just now, and hurriedly handed over the soup, just about to tell him to drink it slowly, when he directly made a bowl of it.

"...How hungry are you?" Shi Yao murmured.

Hua Mingjue let out a long breath, put the bowl back on the bedside, and with the soft sound of the porcelain bottom falling on the cabinet, Shi Yao heard him say thank you in a low voice.

"Ah...it's okay, anyone will help you if you change, I'm just...just..." Shi Yao didn't expect that this scoundrel leader who dragged him to the sky would thank her softly like this, and he couldn't explain clearly for a while. Words, ears are also hot.

Hua Mingjue raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but his eyes were heavy. He looked at Shi Yao with a low tone: "I cheat, I have a bad temper, my family is not good, and I have such a father..." His throat moved, his voice A little dry, "You...will you look down on me?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his eyes and clenched his hands involuntarily.

The room was very quiet, Hua Mingjue could even feel the hollow echo of his heart beating in his chest. It's so embarrassing, there's no need to care about it, he should have thought that his situation would be exposed one day, it's no big deal.

As he thought about it, his brows gradually tightened, and he was suddenly a little afraid of Shi Yao's answer.

As soon as the back of his hand warmed up, Shi Yao pulled up his right hand and opened his tightly clenched fist: "Be careful, you only need to bury the needle if your blood vessels are not obvious, don't use too much force, or it won't be a waste of pricking." The girl's hand was soft,

squeezed Touching his cold and numb hands. Shi Yao pursed her lips, and took advantage of the night to hide the two clouds on her face: "You don't know yet, the school has checked the monitoring, and it has been proved that you have been wronged, and now your math and Chinese scores are the highest in the whole school. The highest score, it's up to you to fulfill your promise."

"Huh?" Hua Mingjue was a little confused.

Shi Yao was angry: "Ah what? Zhou Ziyuan has already conceded defeat, it's a little too late for you to play tricks now."

"...Ah." Hua Ming decided to look at Shi Yao, as if he hadn't recovered from the huge shock.

"I've convinced you." Shi Yao laughed angrily, let go of Hua Mingjue, and said angrily, "There is still a week of winter vacation, I will give you seven days, if you want to regret it, tell me before the winter vacation, anyway..." "

I I have no regrets." Hua Mingjue grabbed Shi Yao's hand, held it again in the palm of his hand, and looked straight at her, "I have no regrets, you are mine, and I will protect you from now on." In the deep winter night, the heating in the

ward It seemed that the drive was too high, Shi Yao's gripped hand moved, and she felt Hua Mingjue exerting great force.

She lowered her eyelids, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be restrained, and she snorted: "...who is covering who."

Hua Mingjue looked at Shi Yao with almost cherished eyes, he felt as if he was a night walker Man, when the fog was at its heaviest, a star suddenly fell on him.

He wants to hold it well with both hands, the most precious thing.

He knew in his heart that all this was like a dream, but why did the moths in the flames care so much.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who

voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~ Thank you for the little angel who voted [grenade]

: Patric? 17 bottles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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