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Chapter 23 The beginning of school

in March is still cold, but winter has passed.

In the new semester, after a year, many students have become a lot fatter than before, and there is a sense of freshness when they just come to the class they have not seen for a long time. For these students, the holiday of wanton indolence is over and everything is back to normal.

It's just that there is no Hua Mingjue.

Shi Yao's face was gloomy, she didn't fit in with the people around her, she didn't have the excitement of the new semester at all, she didn't find any news about Hua Mingjue during the whole winter vacation, and now, the seat beside her was empty.

The gossip spread among the students was the fastest. Shi Yao had heard Hua Mingjue's name frequently since he entered the class, and Wen Xiaoyang was also mentioned along with his name.

"Brother Jue really didn't come, and I heard that Wen Xiaoyang from Class 4 didn't come either." "

Wen Xiaoyang split into an Omega. It is said that the day of the split was very sensational. Brother Jue was a hero to save the beauty." "Who did

you hear that, did they both come together? " Eloped?"

"Let's spread the word to the fourth class, okay..."

"Crack!" Shi Yao's book fell to the floor, and the people who had been discussing it just now were startled, and looked at Shi Yao together.

Shi Yao straightened her back, expressionless, casually picked up the book under the eyes of those people, and left the classroom.

The gossip group was quiet for a while, and one person said hesitantly: "Do you feel that Yao seems to be a little different this time around?


"Aren't you angry at us? We didn't say anything."

Zhou Ziyuan, who had been sitting with his head down, couldn't sit still. He clenched his fists, frowned and looked at the people around him, and said displeasedly, "Don't talk behind your back. Classmate." After speaking, he also got up and chased in the direction Shi Yao left just now.


"Let me say the last sentence." One of the gossip team leaned forward with a firm expression, "The monitor must have something to do with the study committee!"

Shi Yao ran all the way to the rooftop on the second floor, where the dead leaves were covered with unpurified snow water, and it was left unattended all winter, making it look extremely messy. The ungentle spring breeze blew on his face as if with icicles, and it hurt to the bone.

Shi Yao was breathing rapidly, using the air-conditioning to keep herself awake. She squatted in the corner of the roof, and took out a suppressant from her pocket after feeling her chaotic heartbeat calmed down a bit.

The cold potion finally brought her hot body temperature under control, leaving only the dull pain in her chest caused by the violent heartbeat. Shi Yao pressed her chest and took a deep breath, the continuous and dense pain lingered for a long time, and it really made her feel sick every few days. Feeling heartache every day.

Ever since the sudden estrus in front of Hua Mingjue's house, Shi Yao's estrus has been extremely irregular, and the symptoms are also very strange. Often when she thinks of Hua Mingjue, a sudden burst of heat will erupt in her body. meaning.

Shi Yao pressed her heart, heard the buzzing in her ears, and sneered with the corners of her mouth open. Perhaps, people like him who left without saying a word, people like him who disappeared without a trace, forgot the best, so as to avoid such torture.

When Zhou Ziyuan found the rooftop, she saw Shi Yao curled up in the corner, with the blue sky as the background and the clouds moving slowly. Her thin limbs were covered by the large school uniform, making the girl look like a small ball.

She seemed to be enduring something, Zhou Ziyuan smelled the faint sweetness in the air, as if someone had just made milk tea, but at this moment, he only had eyes on the girl who seemed to be lost, and nothing else.

Zhou Ziyuan walked over gently, and spoke in the lowest and gentlest voice he could do: "Shi Yao, what's wrong with you?

" Some kind of beast, she seemed to have fur all over her body, frowned, and her tone was an obvious threat: "Zhou Ziyuan? Are you following me?" "

I, I didn't..." Zhou Ziyuan was startled by the question, raised her head in panic. His hands wanted to prove his innocence, "I'm just worried about you, I saw you running out alone... I'm going to start early reading soon."

"Hello!" Zhou Ziyuan was still trying to talk nonsense, trying to make his stalking appear dignified, and it's best not to let Shi Yao notice the blush on his face. Unexpectedly, the form suddenly changed, he felt his collar tighten, and then Shi Yao grabbed the collar and smashed against the wall.

Zhou Ziyuan looked bewildered and at a loss, he looked down at the girl who was a head shorter than himself, and asked in a stumbling manner: "You, you are..." God knows that his heart would almost jump out of such a close contact.

Shi Yao strained her jaw, frowned slightly, and her tone was a little impatient: "Don't say it!"

"What?" Zhou Ziyuan was taken aback.

Shi Yao was a little impatient, and lifted his collar again: "Don't tell what you saw today, do you understand?" Maybe

it's because of the proximity, the faint scent of milk tea just now is much stronger , Zhou Ziyuan looked at Shi Yao's bright red eyes, and belatedly realized.

He opened his mouth in disbelief, and his voice cracked a little: "Shi, Shi Yao, you...you are actually divided! What gender are you?"

Shi Yao narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly: "Didn't you see it just now? "

Shi Yao flung it off angrily, loosening the restraint on Zhou Ziyuan, only to feel that she was dazzled by the damn love, and she actually exposed herself. In the final analysis, Hua Mingjue, an irresponsible bastard, was to be blamed!

Zhou Ziyuan was thrown staggeringly, but his gaze was full of probing eyes on Shi Yao, and he found that Shi Yao was not weak all over, nor was his eyes blurred and dissatisfied, so he tentatively asked: "Are you Alpha?" What?"

Unexpectedly, he dared to ram the gun, Shi Yao gave him a slap in the face, then lost interest in blowing wind on the balcony, turned around and went back to class.

Zhou Ziyuan stood alone for a long time, sighing for the adventure in the early morning.

There seemed to be clusters of fireworks in his heart, and he was indescribably happy. He felt that he knew a secret, and Shi Yao invited him to keep this secret, so it seemed that the relationship between the two seemed to be one step closer.

Speaking of which, does Hua Mingjue know about Shi Yao's split?

In the past, when Zhou Ziyuan thought of Hua Mingjue, he was full of dissatisfaction, especially after he lost to Hua Mingjue in basketball and grades, his dislike for him skyrocketed, and he wanted to get rid of him quickly. However, after today, he decided to calm down, and from then on, he only had sympathy and pity for Hua Mingjue.

After all, no matter how good he is, no matter how much he likes Shi Yao, but...

two Alphas have no future.

That guy is fierce and ruthless, and he's still so tall, he must be an Alpha who didn't run away.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziyuan curled the corners of his mouth, hummed and left the rooftop.

The author has something to say:

Thank you for the little angel who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: Budoudou's magic, Xixixi 1;

thanks for the irrigation of [Nutrition Solution] Little Angel:

1 bottle of carp fish and Qiongyun;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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