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Chapter 40 You're done

"Shi Yao!" The voice from Lu Xi in the headset brought Shi Yao back to her senses. That guy A in front of you, don't be impulsive, get out of here quickly!"

Shi Yao took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. She looked up and saw two people rushing over here.

"There is one last bomb left, where is the next location?" Shi Yao pressed the earphones and hurriedly disappeared into the crowd.

Seeing Shi Yao leave the casino safely, Lu Xi felt a little relieved. He couldn't hear other people's words clearly, and he didn't know what that drunkard said to Shi Yao, so he easily aroused her emotions, and almost delayed the business. Thinking about it, Lu Xi raised his eyelids and glanced at the monitoring screen, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

Be darling, the situation was urgent just now, I forgot about Hua Mingjue! Lu Xi's hands trembling when he pressed the keyboard, if anything happened to this ancestor, he would have to be stewed by Shi Yao!


Fortunately, Hua Mingjue was very confident and had already entered the warehouse on the second basement floor. The warehouse manager is a middle-aged male Beta. At this time, he is sitting bored at the door to have fun, his face is expressionless, and cheerful music comes from the mobile phone accompanied by exaggerated compliments.

Hua Mingjue entered through the vent. The iron fence on the wall has been in disrepair for a long time. When Hua Mingjue was still in management, he came every month to check the degree of corrosion of the iron fence, so as to ensure that he would be able to come and go freely one day in the future.

With a soft "click", he lightly removed the iron grille from the ventilation duct, and at the same time, Xiao Xiaole happily cheered: "good~"

Hua Mingjue held his breath, turning over quickly like a big cat It landed without making a sound.

Xiaoxiaole: "excellent~"

Hua Mingjue avoided the sight of the security guards and walked behind the rows of storage racks. He accidentally bumped into a cardboard box under his feet. The cardboard box hit the storage rack, and the precarious rack shook a few times. He quickly stabilized himself, but a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite fell from the three-storey height...

"Crack!" Hua Mingjue caught it firmly.


Hua Mingjue raised his forehead, the security guard seemed to be immersed in his excellent skills, completely unaware that someone had slipped in, and he wanted to make a quick decision.

The things he hid here were on the storage shelf directly opposite the security guard. Hua Mingjue looked over with burning eyes, and saw the package he was familiar with. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. He is sure that no one in the entire intersection will care about this dirty and broken utility room, let alone check the things here.

But the bad thing was, how would he go to the storage rack in front of him without disturbing the security guard.

The fine dust in the utility room went straight into people's noses, Hua Mingjue took a breath, and suddenly felt a little headache. Could it be that Master Luo's medicine has taken effect again? Hua Mingjue pressed his temples, frowned and lowered his eyes, but saw a small glass bottle beside him, which seemed not to be tightly sealed.

"Gululu." A bottle of Lafite rolled out of the ground and rolled into a corner. The security guard who was fully immersed in the immersive mobile game finally realized that something was wrong.

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