[Ch 3]+(Clinic+Fox Omega)

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"His uterus had been stabilized and you have a good self control", A beta nurse named Maisha Simi who is 21 years old and had been doing her job since she was 18 and she is unmarried.

[Maisha Simi]

Her animal form is mockingbird as she had wings on the back of her body, she would be considered an angel however her wings were not white

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Her animal form is mockingbird as she had wings on the back of her body, she would be considered an angel however her wings were not white.

'What?', Nile thought as he is confused by Nurse Maisha words at the end of the sentence.

He was born different from the rest which is special but he ignores that part.

Nile was born with a rare condition that makes him unable to get aroused by Omega pheromones and suppressed by Alpha's.

He found out online about his condition that is 5% other Alphas that is affected by the condition and Nile erased the doctors and nurses memories for a reason.

Maisha glances at the fox Omega and frowns slightly.

'This kid is lucky that Mr. Nile saved him', Maisha thought and went to her desk to relax since there were no other patients except for the fox Omega.

"Mr. Nile's you are aware that the academy students might cause a rumor about you carrying an Omega?", Maisha said and has a hatred for rumors because they cause a lot of trouble.

"Y-Yeah", Nile said as he was like a cat who froze on the spot.

'What an odd child', Maisha thought because Nile didn't show any domineering expression nor ignoring the topic.

"Hmmm the only one that knows this is Isaac Dogger and no one has seen you because all students are at their dorms right now", Maisha said to Nile.

Isaac who was outside of the clinic was leaning against the wall.

"Am I allowed to go in?", Isaac asked.

"No stay outside and don't start begging to come in for the safety of the fox omega", Maisha said in a strict tone.

Isaac didn't want to ignore her warning as she is dead glaring at him.

So he stayed outside as he didn't want to cause trouble while Nile was talking with Maisha.

"Do you k-know what his na-name is?", Nile asked as he doesn't know what the fox Omega's name is.

"Oh his name is Hunter Varon", Maisha said because she was holding a file that belonged to the fox omega.

"Anything el-else?", Nile had voice stutters.

Maisha wanted to laugh as Nile is a strange boy indeed and doesn't have the pride of an alpha.

"I'm sorry Mr. Nile but giving their private information is forbidden it would be a private invasion and I might get sued for it", Maisha said in a calm tone and put away the folder in the cabinet.

"S-Sorry", Nile said as he had a calm face but a shaky voice.

'This boy is to hilarious to interact with', Maisha thought and told Nile to leave the room.


"You ok Nile?", Isaac walked beside Nile.

"I'm fine", Nile said which he had composed his voice.

"Then we should go back to the dorm as the sun is setting down", Isaac said as he looked at the window.

"Yeah", Nile agreed.

At the dorm...

Nile slump on the sofa and heaved.

It was his first day of school and things were scripted for him.

"Goodbye normal life", Nile said as he couldn't deny that things will not be normal as his being cheated by fate.

As the fox omega was a sign for him that his normal life is going down.

'No matter how many times I pray to god or some other gods it will always happen like an unpredictable movement', Nile said and wanted to cry or laugh he didn't know.

His being bitched by Karma

He didn't want to think anymore as went to the kitchen to make some instant noodles to eat.

Back at the clinic...

[Hunter's POV]

I look around and blink in confusion.

'What happen to me?', I thought as I check my neck for any and there was none.

"Seems you're now awake", Maisha said and had a slight lazy tone.

".....", I couldn't say anything because I didn't know what happened to me a while ago.

"Mr. Varon an Alpha has carried you here because you were uncomfortably in heat and I had injected suppressants into your body hours ago", Maisha explained to me.

I was stunned and heard that an alpha and carried me here to the clinic without being tempted by my pheromones.

And somehow I was happy that the marking never happened as I didn't want to be marked forcibly by a random alpha.

"Do you know who the Alpha's name is?", I politely asked her.

"Sure his name is Nile without a surname", Maisha replied back.

[No One's POV]

Hunter is shaking and wanted to thank Nile but he doesn't know where Nile is and maybe tomorrow he can thank Nile's for helping him.

And he had smelled some of Nile's pheromones which were nature.

He blushed thinking about Nile's scented body and covered his face as it was hot and his ears were steaming.

Maisha smirked and thought.

'Love at first scent', Maisha thought as the scent made Hunter fall in love with Nile.

Maisha didn't want to interrupt Hunter's thought but he had to as it was night and told Hunter to go back to his dorm.

And Maisha didn't forget to give Hunter some suppressants and told him and once again covered his face.

"You need to hurry and find Mr. Nile's or an Omega might take him away", Maisha said and gleefully wanted to enjoy boy romance.

Hunter was confused and is a blushing mess by what Maisha said to him.

'Pffft! The reaction is too funny', Maisha thought.

Later, Hunter left the clinic and quickly went back to the Omega Dorm Building.

In his dormitory...

Hunter looks outside of the window and scans the Alpha dorm building from the other side of the school.

'Why did nurse Maisha said that to me?', Hunter thought and didn't want an Omega take Nile's.

However he hadn't seen Nile's appearance and didn't know what he looked like.

Maybe he can ask but is too afraid because other Alpha's might harass him while looking for Nile's.

He'll have to wait after recess to meet Nile's.

[Thank You For Reading]

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