[Ch 8]+(Dream+Ice Mountain)

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[Dream World]+(Nile)

Nile is sitting on a left swing set and looking up.

The sky was cloudy and no one was around him.

"Gabby" Someone called his nickname.

Nile looked and saw someone walking towards him.

It was his older brother named Holio.

"Gabby it's getting dark the rain will come soon let's go", Holio said in a gentle tone of his.

"Ok", Nile responded and his older brother grabbed him off the swing set and walked back to the house.

"When we get home there will be ice cream since mom bought it from the store", Holio said to Nile.

"What flavor?", Nile asked with curiosity on what flavor his mother had brought.

"I guess it would be vanilla", Holio replied back with a smile.

"YAY!", Nile yelled in happiness as he likes eating vanilla.

Both the siblings were laughing and talking about the sweet treat.

[Real World]

Nile opens his eyes slightly blinking and his surroundings are a little dark.

'Big Brother', Nile thought about his previous life and misses his older sibling Holio.

Holio is someone he has adored and wondered about how his mother is doing.

Memories were resurfacing.

It's painful to remember the good times.

His older brother..... Must be sad right now.

Then Nile felt the egg beside him.

"Oh I almost forgot about you", Nile said to the egg that is leaning beside his stomach.

His stomach was warm when he touched the egg and it was also warm.

The sun was already rising and Nile had to go out and make breakfast for him and Isaac who was soundly asleep inside his own tent.

Nile checked his surroundings for any beast roaming nearby.

There were none.

Because it was a good idea to put a camp in the valley.

Before he could leave his tent he repositioned the egg and then he left the tent and was ready to make food.

With Hunter...

Hunter watched the scene and is sighing as many other Alphas were injured entering the Ice Mountain without preparation and it is relief that Nile and Isaac are still fine.

Those who were eliminated were going to have a low grade.

Other Omega's were gossiping and watched with displeasing eyes towards the other Alphas who were eliminated.

Hunter looks from the side and sees his sister's name Laverna Gartion.

"It's been a long time, Hunter", Laverna said in an innocent tone.

"Laverna", Hunter has a cold tone towards Laverna.

[Laverna Gartion]

"Who are you looking for at dear brother?", Laverna used her tactics.

"Why should I have an answer you should be with your ALPHA", Hunter put a sarcastic tone at the end of the sentence.

Laverna didn't like Hunter's sarcasm and said back to him.

"You're acting like a meanie!", Laverna said in a childish tone of hers.

"Whatever you should cry for Derick your future husband, I won't give you any answers", Hunter said and didn't care anymore.

Laverna is pissed however she couldn't show her ugly side and instead she left Hunter to go back to her own group of Omega's.

Hunter didn't look at her.

Laverna is annoying person that bullied him when he was still in the Gartion Family.

Back with the duo...

Nile and Isaac met another team of five people who introduced themselves.

Derick Anderson - Lion

Mike Lawrence - Cheetah

Jack Marker - Hyena

Vincent Hostil - Panther

And last is Kyle Lackson - Mountain Goat

"You must be Nile", Derick said in an emotionless tone.

"Who are you again?", Nile said in a confusing tone.

Derick's lips twitch at the remark that Nile made.

"My name is Derick Anderson", Derick introduces himself once again.

"Hey Nile we should leave", Isaac whispered to Nile's ears.

"Why?", Nile whispered back to Isaac.

"We shouldn't mess with them and I felt his pheromone coming out, I think they're not good people", Isaac whispered to him again.

Nile glanced at Derick who seemed normal however he trusted his friend and left immediately.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING?!", Jack shouted to them which they didn't look back and continued there walking and once they were out of sight they ran far away.

They left the group and went somewhere far away from them.

Somewhere from the side of the ice mountains...

"They were planning to use us, didn't they", Nile said towards Isaac who explained the whole situation.

"I don't lie and I know how to read body movements of a bad person", Isaac said who is shaking from the cold.

"Isaac... Why didn't you tell me?", Nile said in a questioning tone of his.

"Well... I was afraid... We can talk about this later it's not the right time right now", Isaac said who isn't in a good mood.

".....", Nile didn't say a word and saw how uncomfortable Isaac is about the topic.

They just met the ground minutes ago and left them when Isaac whispered to Nile.

Isaac is a dog with different senses.

"You ok?", Nile asked in a calm tone.

"Yeah I'm fine and we better go now since i can feel the weather is not good", Isaac said to Nile.

Nile and Isaac went to find a cave as a blizzard will come soon and didn't want to get stranded somewhere they didn't know.

[Hours Later]

They found a cave and settled there for a bit and the outside was stormy because of the blizzard heavily raining in the sky.

"Were at the west side of the Ice Mountain", Nile said who checked the math.

Isaac is at the fire and is drinking milk that Nile made.

Nile didn't give Isaac hot chocolate as it would be dead.

Chocolate is not good for a dog like Isaac.

"You feel better now?", Nile sweetly asked his partner.

"Hm thanks Nile's this drink is delicious", Isaac said.

Then Nile checks the egg inside his spatial pocket.

The egg is inside an incubation.

Nile didn't know where the incubation came from but he was happy that there was one inside his spatial pocket.

If not.

He doesn't know what to do with the egg.

[Thank You For Reading]

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