[Ch 54]+(Giving Words In The Conversation+Dating A Stalker)

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After the movie was over.....

Nile and Aaron enjoyed the movie and ate all the snacks and put the garbage into the garbage can and left the theater.

They were both walking out until Nile stop and look around if Victor was here.

'Where is he?', Nile thought and he wanted to speak with Victor however he was not here.

He thought that Victor had left but he was actually waiting for him outside of the theater to his surprised.

Victor changed his clothes and Nile couldn't help but couldn't deny that Victor is beautiful however he was not in love with Victor.

"Hey, Aaron", Nile said Aaron's name.

Both stop and had not yet went out and Victor has not yet seen them yet.

"Yes?", Aaron responded back.

"I need to talk with Victor before you assume anything I wanted to make him stop following me, I just wanna talk with him", Nile told Aaron about what he will be doing.

Aaron narrowed his brows and didn't want to agree at first but after listening to what he said, Aaron agreed to Nile's decision.

'If he is able to talk with Victor to leave him alone..... Which means Nile will all be mine', Aaron thought as it made him having a high good mood.

"I understand however I will be at the side, If you need anything just call my name", Aaron said and is a little worried too on what Victor will be doing.

"Ok", Nile said and nodded.

With Clay and Riko.....

Clay and Riko were far behind Nile and Aaron who were going out.

"We should at a cafe in front of the theater and wait there", Riko said and he thinks that Nile and Aaron will not be leaving yet.

The cafe had not yet closed and it was a good place for a little while for now.

"Yeah, I'll probably drink some water, I don't want to end up diabetic", Clay replied back.

Both walked to the cafe and say on the seat that is the front left side of the window.

They both can see what was going on.

[Outside Of The Theater]

Back with Nile and Aaron.....

Nile was looking at Victor with a serious expression.

"Nile?", Victor is confused at first and thought that maybe Nile was going to reject him.

"Victor..... You are aware that I have no feelings for you right?", Nile said honestly.

"What are you talking about?", Victor pretended to be clueless on Nile's questions at first.

"Don't act, Victor I don't like you and please stop pursuing me..... Let's talk about it", Nile told him.

Victor didn't want to believe it but reality will hit him hard anyway.

"So you don't really like me", Victor said and is a little angry at first but Nile said.

"Yes, to be honest I didn't like you at the beginning, Victor..... I'm only one person who can make you happy", Nile said and added more."Your just lost with your feelings".

'Lost with my feelings?', Victor pause for a moment and spacing out.

Victor was quiet and is speechless.

"..... Don't forget I don't like you in a way I don't have feelings for you, their are more people that you might end up falling in love in the end", Nile who told him.

"I'm not for you", Nile said and hold Victor's shoulders."Try take care of yourself more and think things slowly".

Nile said the truth and let go of Victor's shoulder and move away in two steps.

"I can hope you can understand and please stop following me", He said to Victor who looked at him and didn't say a word.

'Why can't I get angry', Victor thought and glance at Aaron who was looking at him with an expressionless face.

'Was it worth it?', Victor had been following Nile for a few years because of his popularity and started to have feelings for him.

He was lost, Victor is indeed lost with his own feelings.

[A Few 3 Minutes Later]

However he has to say something.

"Nile, I wanted to say something before I leave", Victor said to Nile.

"Yeah?", Nile responded.

"Have you ever noticed that Aaron had also been following you, to say this, Aaron has been stalking you, just like me", Victor told him about Aaron.

"..... Aaron..... Stalking me? What?", Nile has his eyes widen on what he had heard.

Aaron heard on what Victor said about him came with an angry expression.

"Victor your accusing me for something i didn't do?", Aaron made a lie and is angry and Victor is frightened a little bit it faded and said back to Aaron.

"Don't lie Aaron, you need to tell Nile about you stalking Nile just like me, I was wrong in stalking Nile but why are you defending your actions when it's true", Victor who's doing the right thing once his feelings for Nile subsided.

Victor left with a hidden smirked that Nile and Aaron didn't see, it was his small revenge on Aaron.

Aaron couldn't refute about it, Nile on the other hand was speechless.

The situation was escalating and tensions were rising while the people who were nearby by didn't notice and didn't care.

They couldn't care less.

"Aaron is it true? On what Victor said?", Nile asked Aaron and looked at Aaron without a single expression.

When Nile asked, Aaron felt anxious and wanted to lie but his nervousness was obvious.

"You wouldn't do that right?", Nile asked and is afraid and concerned about the answer that Aaron will be giving.

It was quiet between the three of them.

"Yes, I was stalking you", Aaron had a sad expression and admitted it.

While Nile was horrified but he didn't show it and felt distrustful of Aaron and while Victor left without expressing and said goodbye to the both of them.

[1 Hours Later]+(Time 9:01 P.M)

Nile and Aaron were walking together but they didn't say anything to each other.

It was to much for Nile to know that Aaron was a stalker just like the others and he didn't like the characteristic of Aaron.

He didn't expect and thought that Aaron is indeed a stalker.

They didn't strike any conversation.

Aaron was sad in the inside, his chance of becoming lovers with Nile was shattered by Victor who said the truth before leaving.

That chance was ruined and Aaron glance at Nile who glance back at him.

They both walking, looking at each other.

"Aaron, I- how should I say this? I can't even say it", Nile wanted to say something however he had forgotten the sentence that he was going to say.

"You dating a stalker like me? That would be what you would've said", Aaron said on what Nile was going to say but he couldn't said it.

"Right..... I'm dating a stalker..... How shocking... Shocking for me", Nile said firm tone and is slightly shocked.

How would they fix this problem out of nowhere?

[Thank You For Reading]

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