[Ch 38]:(Vincent Calling Nile+Stuck Inside The House)

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[Next Day]+(Present Time)

[Inside Nile's Bedroom]

Nile is lying down on his bed and is asleep with messy long hair.

And Riko is sleeping like a sleeping beauty in his fishtank and to make sure it didn't get dirty their was a filter in it.

While he was dreaming about his older brother Holio.

*Phone Rang*

His phone rang and was startled and jolted from his bed and is slightly tired and rubbed his eyes.

The phone continue to rang until Nile grab his phone.

It was Vincent that was calling him.

Nile didn't waste time and pressed accept and put the phone to his right ear.

"Hello Vincent?", Nile.

Vincent: Nile thanked god your awake.

"Is something wrong Vincent, you don't sound good?" Nile said in a worried tone.

Vincent: Well I need to tell you that you should not leave your apartment

"What? What are you saying?", Nile is confused and blinked his eyes.

Vincent: Because their is a riot grouping near your apartment don't go out, I saw on tv and the riot is at your district

"Ri-Riot? Riot? Oh oh", Nile said and is shocked that the riot about the Alpha who cause the beta riot.

Vincent: Yes, just don't go out don't open the curtains as they might throw some Molotov Cocktail with flames on it

"It really got worst..... ", Nile is worried and about it.

Vincent: Yeah... The police force are doing they're best, the riot would probably cool down maybe in the next day or so

"Thanks for the information Vincent", Nile thanked Vincent to giving him the news.

Vincent: Your Welcome. be safe by the way in your apartment (*Whispered*Don't go out)

"Bye", Nile said and turn of his phone and wanted to know if it's true and stood up from his bed.

[Down Stairs]

Nile went beside the window which the curtains are closed and he hesitated and didn't wanted to be attacked put of nowhere.

But he was curious on what is happening outside and took a peek and had wide eyes as their were male and female beta's on the street.

The outside was chaos and Nile watched the police are arresting the beta's who were damaging the surrounding areas.

It was a vandalizing scene.

The police are trying to reprimand the beta's who cause the destruction.

"Their is so many people it's not a good idea to go out at all", He muttered to himself and slowly closed the curtains and is glad that no one saw him.

Vincent was not lying and it was early in the morning that the riot had started.

He guess that him, Clay, and Riko will be stuck in the apartment.

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