[Ch 52]+(Texting 2+Conversation About Nile & Aaron)

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[Next Day]+(Present Time)

Nile went to school hurriedly as he didn't want to be late.

Luckily he was able to reach the classroom before the professor/teacher would come in.

Class has not yet started.

Nile sat on the same seat as usual and went to open his phone and read novels to kill time/boredom.

'Should I interact with my classmates?', Nile thought and glance at his surroundings and looking at his classmates who were conversing with others.

'Try to talk with some of them or not?", He thought and felt that he has enough friends.

He doesn't want to have a large friend group and prefer having a small friend group.

Having more friends would be a hustle.

'I don't think I need more friends', Nile had decided not to talk with his classmate.

Oh by the way.

Nile is popular in Celestial University because of the incident in the shopping district.

Even though he was not from Evangeline University, Nile saved people and some were curious on what type of animal he was.

If Nile become friends with the students in this class.

He doesn't know what will happen because of his status and popular was smudging his right at his face.

No on would talk to him because of his high profile that got even higher.

And Nile has to choice to reject the letter that came from the imperial family.

He has no interest in marrying Victor, Nile doesn't even know Victor and only had small interactions.

'I've already send the letter yesterday', Nike thought and is afraid on becoming enemies with the Rias Royal Family.

It's dangerous to reject a high status family that is the hierarchy in the interstellar planet.

However he made a full sentence/context within the letter that he had a friendly send so that no turmoil will happen between him and the Rias Royal Family.

[Time 12:16 A.M]+(TimeSkip)

With Aaron.....

Aaron didn't have class today as everyone is talking a break.

He was in his apartment relaxing and is reading the previous messages of him and Nile.

'I'll message Nile on what he is doing', Aaron thought and wondered what Nile is doing.

"Good Afternoon Nile, what are you doing right now?", Aaron texted a simple question.

Nile has not yet responded.

Aaron decided to wait for Nile's response while ordering food from a fast food.

[39 Seconds Later]

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