[Ch 17]+(Inside The Music Room+Clay?!)

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He got bored and didn't know what to do today as class was over and Isaac was bored along with Emeric.

"What should we do today?", Isaac asked as he huffed in boredom.

Emeric shook his head sideways and Nile was thinking.

"What about playing music? I heard there is a music room at the omega's class building", Nile said to them.

Isaac and Emeric looked at Nile and then each other.

"That won't be a bad idea", Emeric said and Isaac agreed.

"However we have to be careful that other Alphas don't catch us playing as music is considered an Omega's thing", Isaac told Nile.

"Ok and will probably do it at night as no one is around at night", Nile said to them.

The trio agreed and they will meet at the music room at night.


The trio sneakily went through the hallways and no one was there nor the guards around.

Inside the music room...

Before Nile came in he had used some sleeping pills so that the guards in there drink so that they won't wake up and they had the music room all to themselves.

Nile made the entire room soundproof so that no one could hear them playing music.

"There are so many instruments", Isaac said and had stars in his eyes and wagged his dog tail and ears were up.

"Cool", Emeric said and touched the drums and gently banged it with his fingers.

"I will be the one picking the song and playing it together", Nike told them.

"ALRIGHT!", Isaac shouted and Emeric had to cover his ears.

In the past few days when there is no school they would play music at night and drugging the guard again.

The room was also sanitized by the Nile to make sure that they don't cause trouble.

However they couldn't do it all the time as they were busy with their own things.

In the classroom...

With Nile...

Nile had a small glimpse at Aaron who is reading a book about different animals.

Somehow he likes Aaron reading books and no matter how he looks at Aaron he would never get bored.

'I thought Aaron is just a brute but his actually reading books', Nile thought about Aaron.

Nile couldn't judge the book by its cover.

In the stadium...

Nile had been doing test runs with his mech and the tail was used for maneuvering his mech.

There was no one at the stadium since all of them were doing their own things right now.

There was no class today because of a teacher meeting.

When he slowed down and stopped moving his mech he looked up and surprised it was Aaron.

"Mr. Strife?", Nile said in a nervous tone and luckily he didn't use his mech's microphone to call out Aaron's name.

However Aaron stood up and walked out of the stadium and it made Nile dumbfounded on why Aaron just left.

Did Aaron have a motive towards him?

Or did he make an enemy?

Nile had been thinking deep and didn't want an enemy out of everyone and even Aaron Strife.

But he shakes his head and doesn't want to worry about too much with that matter.

Afterwards Nile went back to his dormitory.

When he entered the dorm something was truly off.

"Clay I'm ba-", Nile stopped and saw something was off.

It was right in front of him and he didn't know how to react.

The silence was too much and Clay seemed to be different.

He was not prepared for this.

"Clay?!", Nile said in a shocked tone and was frozen on the spot however he closed the door from behind.

And the room is sound proof so no one can hear him yell.

Clay had turned into his half human form na wagging his dragon tail.

"Dada?", Clay said and tilted his head in confusion on why his father looked shocked.

Nile didn't know this could happen and Clay looks beautifully cute.

His little child looks so cute and adorable, he'll probably have another heart attack and die right now.

Cute little ones are not good for his health at all.

Nile wanted to squeal like a girl as it would be the first reaction when they see something cute in there life.

Clay stood up and ran towards him giving him a hug as his arms were on Nile's waist.

"Dada!", Clay shouted at Nile and had a big smile on his face as his tail was wagging even more.

'God somebody save me', Nile thought to himself as he wanted to scream out gibberish words.

It was way too cute for him to handle.

But he couldn't.

However hugged Clay back and cuddled the little dragon in his arms.

'Ah my heart can't take this kind of cuteness', He thought as a non existent bleeding from the side of his mouth.

[1 Hours Later]

Clay is playing with his toys that came from Nile's spatial pocket.

He had a lot of toys that were inside of his spatial pocket that were from his childhood.

'I'm gonna talk this to Isaac', Nile thought and Isaac will probably be shocked too.

Since Clay had turned into a human child, he will have to teach Clay many things.

Clay is not a pet.

His a companion and his son.

With Isaac and Emeric...

"Seems like Nile had texted something to me", Isaac said and is texting back at Nile.

He was holding his phone and tapping the screen.

Nile: Isaac can you come here at my dorm?


Why?", Isaac.

Nile: Just come here and see it for yourself and you can take Emeric with you, he also needs to know

"Ok? And are you sure that Emeric needs to know about Clay?", Isaac replied.

Nile: Yes, Emeric is a part of our friend group and I can trust Emeric since we had bonded with him remember

"I guess, we will be there tomorrow", Isaac texted back.

Nile: Ok

Isaac put his phone away and told Emeric that they will be going tomorrow to Nile's dormitory.


[Thank You For Reading]

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